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Career Student

Created 2021

You went to college because everyone said you had to. They said your passion would be revealed to you once there. Well it wasn't, and now you're stuck with debt. But there is one way to never have to pay that never leaving school!

​*University required for challenge.

  • Must use an in-game method for life length. NO MODS or Cheat Codes for this!

    • You can set the lifespan to LONG and just make it through all degrees, with a full course load.

    • You can become a vampire, use a spell, ask the mother plant, etc. 

  • Must "Research Universities" before applying. 

  • Must go to university for every major offered by the game. 

    • You may choose which school for each major. 

  • Must acquire a degree for every major offered by the game. 

    • You may choose if you want a distinguished degree or not.

    • You may choose if you take elective courses or not.  

  • Must live in every dorm and school house available for both schools at least once.

  • Must complete "Academic" Aspiration.

  • Must befriend Felix Psyded. 

  • First semester you should NOT be in any organizations or playing sports. 

  • Give your sim $500 to take to University. 

    • Must always buy the book for your degree. 

    • Must buy a bike, and always use that for travel. 

  • Must only use student loans for first 5 degrees.

    • Must then apply for all scholarships available.

  • Must make money while in school to pay back student loans.

    • You don't have time for a real job, so to make money you may:

      • Sell things that you make on Plopsy.

      • Publish Books and Songs.

      • Tutoring.

      • Write & Publish Reseach Papers. 

      • No Full-time jobs, Part-time jobs, or Freelance Careers allowed.

  • Must make a loan payment every semester (via phone or computer).

  • Must recieve a passing grade in every course. 

    • If you fail any course at all you automatically fail this challenge.

  • NO MODS that help with school work/grades.

    • You can use other mods though.​

    • You can use the University Application (adeepindigo) mod, but be aware, this will take longer to get into university each time.

  • Must recieve at least one "A" in a class. 

  • Must join and reach max level in every Organization available. 

  • Must join and reach max level in Secret Society. 

  • Must join and reach max level in Soccer.

  • Must join and reach max level in E-Sports. 

  • Must attend all campus events/games at least once. 

    • For the sports, you must attend once as a watcher, and once as a player.​

  • Must Tutor 2 students per semester. 

  • Must "Sit In On Skills Class", AT LEAST 3 times, NO MORE THAN 6 times. 

  • Must "Visit Office Hours" once per Degree.

    • You choose the course/semester.

  • Must "Attend Guest Lecture" at least once per Semester.

    • Try to make it match up with your current major. ​

  • Must Research everything available on Research Archive Machine at least once. 

  • Must "Contribute Knowledge" in every category on the Research Archive Machine.

  • Must "Prep For Debate" at least once. (Archive Machine).

  • Must "Write & Publish Research Papers" for all options available. (Computer).

  • Must put up University Banners at least once. (Arena).

  • Must Remove competing university banners from current sports arena at least once. 

  • Must put up current university banners on competing university sports arena at least once. 

  • Must clean up University Statue at least once. 

  • Must Yarnbomb, Toilet Paper and Deface competing university statue at least once.

  • Must prank 20 toilets.

  • Must "Make an offering for academic success" (at statue) every semester, even if you are already in, have already completed, or are not going to join the Secret Society. 

  • Must meet both Mascots.

  • Must do all friendly interactions with current university mascot at least once.

  • Must do the mean interaction with competing university mascot at least once. 

  • Must do each of the available "away" class options while in class at least once.  

  • Must "Email Professors About Progress" at least once per Degree. 

  • Must "Study" on computer for one class per Semester. 

  • Must "Cheat on Homework" at least once. 

  • Must "Submit Plagiarized Paper" at least once.

* Challenge Ends when you have completed all of the above. 

Some Help



  • The Braniacs

  • Bot Savants

  • F. Spirit Squad


  • The Debate Guild

  • Art Society

  • B. Spirit Corps

Class Options

  • Take Notes

  • Sleep In Class

  • Actively Listen

  • Chat with Students

  • Attend Class Normally

  • Leave Early

University Housing


  • ​​Briny Tower

  • Tidal Tower

  • Maritine Manor


  • ​​Drake Hall

  • Wyvern Hall

  • Darkwing House

Research Archive Machine

Research Options

  • Acting Techniques

  • A.I. in Robotics

  • Comedy in Culture

  • Cooking for Nutrition vs. Pleasure

  • Fitness: High Weight or High Reps

  • Gardening Innovations

  • Good Writting Through Feedback

  • Logic vs. Instinct

  • Professional vs. DIY Handiwork

  • Programming Standards

  • Research Methodologies

  • Results of Photo Editing

  • Rocket Discoveries

  • The Local Secret Society 

  • The Power of Charisma

  • The Value of Painting

  • University Urban Legends

  • Video Games vs. Reality


  • Soccer Team Player

  • E--Sports Competitor


  • Lobster Larry

  • Darby the Dragon

Mascot Options

  • Take Selfie

  • High Five

  • Spray With Stink-Spray

Research Archive Machine

Contribute Knowledge

Write & Publish Reseach Papers on Computer 

  • Acting

  • Charisma

  • Comedy

  • Cooking

  • Fitness

  • Gardening

  • Handiness

  • Logic

  • Painting

  • Photography

  • Programming

  • Research & Debate

  • Robotics

  • Rocket Science

  • Video Gaming

  • Writing



  • Cram For The Exam

    • Commons: M, 10pm​

  • Robot Building Meetup

    • Commons: T, Th, 7pm

  • E-Sports, Play with the Pros

    • Commons: W, 2pm​

  • University Mixer Night

    • Commons: Sa, 8pm​

  • Soccer Game

    • Arena: F, 6pm​

  • E-Sports Game

    • Arena: Sa, 6pm

  • Bot Savants Bar Night

    • Local Bar: M, 8pm-12am

  • Robot Building Meetup

    • Commons: T, Th, 7-11pm​

  • Utili-Bot Contest

    • Quad: Su, 12-6pm​

  • F. Spirit Squad Bar Night

    • Local Bar: W, 8pm-12am

    • Su, 6-10pm

  • Game Day Party

    • Quad: F, 3-7pm

  • School Spirit Day

    • Quad: Sa, 11am-5pm​

  • Study Session

    • Library, M,T,W,Th, 3-7pm

  • Braniacs Bar Night

    • Local Bar: F, 8pm-12am​

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Secret Society

  • Sprite Celebration Ritual

    • Ritual Grounds in Gibbs Hill:

    • W, F, Su, 10pm-2am.


  • Cram For The Exam

    • Commons: M, 10pm​

  • Debate Practice

    • Commons: T, W, 4pm​

  • Evening Tea & Poetry Reading

    • Commons: Th, 8pm​

  • University Mixer Night

    • Commons: Sa, 8pm​

  • Soccer Game

    • Arena: Sa, 6pm​

  • E-Sports Game

    • Arena: F, 6pm​

  • Debate Practice

    • Commons: T, W, 4-8pm

  • Debate Guild Bar Night

    • Local Bar: Th, 8pm-12am​

  • Debate Showdown

    • Quad: Sa, 8am-2pm​

  • B. Game Day Party

    • Quad: F, Sa, 3-7pm​

  • Spirit Corps Bar Nights

    • Local Bar: Sa, 10pm-2am​

  • Creativity Celebration

    • Quad: Su, 3-9pm​

  • Figure Paiting

    • Canal by Commons: ​

    • M, Th, 3-7pm

    • Su, 10am-2pm

  • Art Society Bar Night

    • Local Bar: T, 8pm -12am​

Have Fun!
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