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Dali Chihuly

Created 2022

Blessed with Tetrachromacy, you can see more colors and shades than the average human. This natural gift will launch you into a world of artistry.

University, Get Together, Get To Work & City Living used for this challenge.


Story Time

Violet Avilion was born with the gift of Tetrachromacy. Though it was not until her teens eyars that she discovered it. It was during her paint class in school that she began to notice her ability to see more colors, more shades than anyone else. She was often made of fun of for this, being told that she was color-blind. She loved art, loved painting, so the fear of being color-blind drove her to seek out a doctor. After various tests, she discovered that not only was she not color-blind, but in fact, could see more colors and shades than the average person! This was all she needed to hear to convince that an Art Degree was not a waste of time, as her parents had told her, and she applied to university to become an Artist.

Unfortunately her parents still thought she should seek a real degree like Medical Doctor, and since she refused to do so, they refused to pay for her tuition.

Before she could do any real art, she had to take an Art History course. She used this time to work on "electric art" using an art tablet her best friend had gifted to her once on her birthday. Since she now owed money in student loans, she decided to try her hand at using her new electric art for freelance work.

The Art Tablet made her realize that it wasn't just painting she loved, but in fact, all art forms. Dance, Photography, Sculpting...she wanted to learn them all! After taking an elective course to test her skills in photography, she found that she was a natural with photography. 

After graduation she moved the Art District in the city of San Myshuno, and got a job as a Painter. Every weekend she found herself outside creating street art for all to see. She was a regular at the city festivals, always leaving her mark on one of the easels provided. The more she painted, the more she accumulated; she had every easel she could find, and a plethora of paintings scattered around her home. One late night she foudn herself craving a grilled cheese sandwich, and after having eaten much more than one, she thought up a wonderful new idea to paint...Grilled Cheese! 

Eventually she had reached the ceiling in her paintng career and decided she was ready for something new. But not new new, she still wanted to be in the art world. A coworker suggested she try her hand at being an Art Critic. After all, she had more than enough experience for the role. She applied for the job and got it with ease. Every weekend she went to the museum to analyze art. After staring at so many sculptures she developed a desire to make some of her own, so she bought a woodworking table. Most of her works she displayed proudly in her home, but she was willing to sell some of them on the internet.

A few months later she ran into her old photography professor at a museum. He spoke fondly of her photos and asked if she had opened a studio of her own yet. And with that, the idea was born! She set out to open a Photo Studio, complete with Flash Photo Studio Set, backdrops, photos for sale (retail), the works! She even got some clay to mold into various shapes to take pictures of. Her business was booming and she determined that never again would she need to work for someone else. Eventually she added some of her paintings, and sculptures to the store shelves as well. As if all this success wasn't enough, there was one more cherry to top off the beautiful cake of her life; the day her parents strolled into her store, looked around, and told her how wrong they were. 

University & After

  • Must attend University and major in both "Art History" & "Fine Arts". 

  • Must take electives (if they show up):

    • "Color Theory For Painters" 

    • "Strike A Pose: Photographing Sims" 

  • While in University: You must Max out Dance skill and "show off moves" and "battle" your roommates/friends/other clubbers. 

  • Must move to Myshuno after University and attend the festivals regularly.

  • Whenever there is an easel at the festival you must paint on it.

  • Must complete the following careers in this order:

    • Freelancer: Electrified Artist (Can do this at University)

    • Painter: Patron of the Arts

    • Painter: Master of the Real

    • Critic: Arts Critic.

While Working as a Painter

  • You must paint every painting available in the game, including emotional paintings and grilled cheese paintings. 

  • You must complete street art every weekend. 

  • You must complete the aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire. 

  • Must max painting skill.

  • Must own all Easels in the game. 

While Working as an Art Critic

  • While working as an Art Critic: You must visit a museum every weekend and Analyze 5 pieces of Art. 

Must max out woodworking skill.

  • Must create all creations available on woodworking table, including the emotional builds. 

While Working as a Photographer

  • Must max photography skill.

  • Must own all cameras in the game. 

  • Must use all filters with photos. 

  • Convert some photos into memories.

  • Must mold clay into all forms and take a photo of it. 

    • Star, Rabbit, Tea Kettle, Eiffel Tower, & Sphere with Sticks. 

  • Open a Photo Studio [store] and take photos of NPC's. 

    • Use the Flash Photo Studio, and use all backdrops. 

  • Open a Photo Gallery and share/sell photography with NPC's. 

  • May use CC to make your space look more artistic. 

Challenge Ends when you have completed all of the above.


Have Fun!

Why Dali Chihuly?

Salvador Dali and Dale Chihuly are my favorite artists, so it only made sense to name my artist challenge after them. The melting clocks painting (The Persistence of Memory) was the first Surrealist painting I ever saw. I fell in love with it instantly. My father showed me more Dali works and he soon became my favorite artist. 

Years later my parents took me to the art museum where I saw a Chihuly glass sculpture. It was so beautiful! Chihuly became my favorite sculptor. When I was in 4th grade my class went on a field trip to the art museum. We were given an assignment to find a piece of art and write a poem about it. I chose one of Chihuly's sculptures. My poem was so good that I got to read it to all the art people and it was hung up in the museum next to his masterpiece for some time. As an adult I can see that my poem is really not that great LOL! But I guess it is for an 8-year-old. 

Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, Marquess of Dalí of Púbol (11 May 1904 – 23 January 1989) was a Spanish surrealist artist renowned for his technical skill, precise draftsmanship, and the striking and bizarre images in his work.

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Dale Chihuly (born September 20, 1941) is an American glass artist and entrepreneur. He is best known in the field of blown glass, "moving it into the realm of large-scale sculpture".

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