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Great Scholar

Created 2021

The goal is to complete all Degrees, Aspirations, Careers, Collections and Skills for the packs you have.


This challenge has been set up with all packs in mind. [<--No longer the case 2022] That being said, it can be Base Game compatible. Ultimately, you need to have your sim complete everything according to what packs YOU have.  If you don't have University, then this challenge will look very different for you; your focus will be on completing careers and aspirations. If you have University, but don't have RoM or Vampires, then you won't be able to complete all the careers, because you won't have enough time, so you would focus more on completing all the degrees and collections.

Tweak as needed. 

This is a MOD-LESS challenge. You read that right. You can have CC, I don't care about décor or clothing. But no mods! It's too difficult to weed out which ones will help with school, which will help with sleep, etc. Even little things like your sim getting a glass of water, you can remove that with a mod right? NO! This is a CHALLENGE. It is up to you to continually stop them from getting water. It is up to you to clean up the stinky glasses left by others in the house.

This. is. a. challenge. 

  • Set life to LONG life. Full Autonomy. Scholar child will age up according to CALENDAR birthdate. 

  • Start as a newborn HUMAN with two parents.

    • It doesn't have to be "parents", but it's best to start with two young adults so your child scholar won't end up in some other house without all of their things (collection items) if a parent dies.

    • Parents may be any species, but cannot use occult abilities to help your Scholar. 

  • The starting family is to move into one of the available lots in game with the money that the game starts you with. If you wish to upgrade, go to work and save money. No cheating

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  • You can age up the baby right when you get home from the hospital if you want to. The point of this challenge is to work on the skills of that baby, and at infant age they can't do anything, so you can skip that age if you want. 

  • You may want to allow the baby to stay a baby so that the parents can work and save up some more money to buy toddler gear. 


  • Max out all Toddler skills by birthday.


  • Max out all child skills. 

  • Grade A in school.

  • Join and complete Scouts by birthday. 

  • Maybe join a club. See club note below. 

  • Max out all child Aspirations by birthday. 

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Club Rules

There is one premade club that only children can join. Everything I read online says that there are specific premade clubs that you start with, and those can disappear and be replaced with other ones and blah blah blah. Whenever I start a new game, the clubs that are already in it are different. So, check your game, if there is a child club available, join it as a child. If not, forget it.

  • You must join whatever clubs your game has provided. For each club you join (including as a child),

    • You must convince the leader to step down and become the leader yourself.

    • You must buy the Club Seal.

    • You can buy other perks if you want to, but that's not required.

  • You unlock the Seal in build/buy in the first club you join. After that, you have access to the Seal always, for any club. So...honor system...DON'T buy all the seals for all the clubs right away! Join the club, acquire 600 points, and then go get the seal. NO CHEATING!

  • You must also start your own club for the "Leader of the Pack" aspiration. In this club you must obtain the Seal as well.

    • Your club can be whatever you want it to be.

    • You can start this club as a child if you wish. 

Skill Rules

You can't just put every random skill object in your home. You can read all the books you want, but if you want to put a Rocket Ship in your backyard, then either your scholar needs to be in university working on a Physics degree, or out of university and working on the Scientist or Astronaut career.


The other option is for one of the parents to be working the Scientist, or Astronaut careers. But, again, you can't keep switching the parents careers to acquire objects you can build skills on. Pick one and stick to it. 

Collection Rules

Collections can be worked on from Child age to Challenge End. The Curator aspiration cannot be started until age Teen, but you can be collecting things as a child. Just keep it all in your inventory. If you do not have all collections before becoming a vampire, you fail, challenge over.

There are rules though: your child cannot travel alone! If you want to go Beachcombing for shells, you can, but an adult must accompany the child to the beach. A teenager may travel with an adult, or another teen, but again, NOT alone. 


  • Grade A in school.

  • Start working on skills, as many as you can.

  • Join Drama club and complete by birthday.

  • Work on Aspirations. 

  • Work on joining and completing requirements for clubs.

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A note about Part-time Jobs

I had originally decided to have my teen complete all part time jobs, but for every single part time job I started, I was given the highest rank on the first day, thus completing it before even going to work. I think this might have to do with maxing out all child stuff???? Maybe? I don't know why, but because of that, I was automatically finished completing all the part time job tiers without ever working them. I'm assuming it will be the same for you, so you don't ever have to work the Part Time Jobs.  

Scholarship Rules

Scholarships you must obtain (again, for packs you have):

  • Alley Cat 

  • Building the Future

  • Food and Drink

  • Friend of the Animals

  • Future Star

  • The Great Outdoors

  • Super Scout

  • You are only required to obtain the location scholarship for the location you are in...because that's the only location one you can sign up for. 

  • If your "parents" have acquired a great sum of money, you won't qualify for one, or both of the Needs Based scholarships. That's fine. 

  • Workplace Scholar-->See note above about Part Time Jobs. If you don't see this one on your list, just forget it. 

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Young Adult and Adult (and a smidge of Elder)

-Complete all distinguished degrees between the two schools with a grade of A.

Just one college grade less than "A" and you fail the challenge. BOOM! That quick. Muahaha!​

-Join all university Organizations and complete.

-Join Secret Society and complete.

-Join Soccer Team and eSports Competitor and complete.

-Continue mastering skills.

-Complete all aspirations that don't require a career, Family, House, Vampires or Realm of Magic. 

-Work on joining and completing requirements for clubs.

* You can use skills to make money if you want: selling paintings, hacking, etc. Do not choose the freelance "career", only sell on your own.


  • You should be out of university by now. Finish mastering all skills.

  • Finish all Collections. 

  • Join and complete all clubs that are left, if any. 

  • Complete House Aspirations. 

  • Open a Vet clinic and Receive the Award of Excellence in Veterinary Care. 

  • Work on careers. 

*If you don't have Realm of Magic or Vampires, the challenge ends here. Enjoy your last days however you please. 


If you have RoM or Vampires...

If you have Realm of Magic and/or Vampires, do the following according to what you have:


(Lasts ONE calendar year)

  • Once you are about to die as an Elder (PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR AGE BAR!), find a vampire NPC and ask them to change you.

The thought here is that you set out to do everything, see everything, experience everything life has to offer, but you ran out of time. Desperate, you seek out a vampire to give you more time. The vampire obliges but insists you learn about being a vampire before doing anything else so you don't, you know, murder entire towns unintentionally.

  • By now you should have learned every skill, completed all collections, and finished many aspirations. 

  • Having new immortal blood in your veins, use CAS, or cheats to make your new Vampire self a Young Adult again. 

  • Complete all vampire aspirations in one calendar year. Leave the "Good Vampire" for last. If you have leftover time, begin work on the careers.

  • You have one more calendar to complete the following:

    • Complete all aspirations that require a career task.

    • Complete all careers.  

    • Open a Restaurant with vampire options. Receive 5 stars. 

As you are completing Good Vampire, your sim realizes they miss being human and no longer want to feed on humans for survival. At the same time though, you're still not ready to die. You want a family, and real love. You played the field as a human, but now you want a soulmate. And your vampire family was great, but you want children that you can watch grow up. You seek out a SpellCaster to make you human again. The spellcaster provides you with a magical potion (Vampire Cure) that makes you human once more. Amazed by this power, you ask if it's possible to become a spell caster yourself. Become a SpellCaster.

*If you don't have Realm of Magic, the challenge ends here. Enjoy your last days however you please.



  • Complete all Spellcaster aspirations and Family aspirations.

  • Complete Spellcaster collections.

  • As a spellcaster, allow yourself to grow and age up to Elder again.

  • Once you reach Elder age, everything else in the game should be done except Batuu. 

  • Open a Retail store and sell potions.

*If you don't have Vampires, then you will become a Spell Caster after college and have one calendar year to...

  • Complete all aspirations that require a career task.

  • Complete all careers.  

*If you don't have the Star Wars pack, then you are done and may die peacefully of old age. 


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If you have the Star Wars pack, then use a Rejuvenation potion to stop aging (not the Immortal one!). Then travel to Batuu.

In your old age, you were looking back on your life and all you had accomplished. Satisfied, you were finally ready to die. That is until you heard of a great war taking place in outer space. Initially you thought Sixam was in trouble, but quickly learned it was some other place called "Batuu". Realizing there was still something you had not learned about, and wanting to protect your beloved home world from this war, you decide to travel to Batuu as a representative of Earth and Sixam, and act as an advisor to end this war. Upon arrival however, you learn that sitting in a comfy chair and talking may not be enough. Can these old bones still fight?


  • Complete ALL aspirations/missions for all 3 groups. 

  • You will be Elder age while doing all of this :-D

  • You will also still be a SpellCaster so some things (food, bathing) will be made easier for you. You're Welcome. 


Your sim has now completed all aspirations, careers,  skills, distinguished degrees, collections, clubs, been a retail, restaurant and vet clinic owner, experienced life as a human, vampire and spell caster, and completed Batuu. Well done! Now, you can die in peace. Ask a mage for the spell to turn you human again and let yourself age to death. Your final days may be spent wherever you like, doing whatever you like. 


Need Help?

The following are helpful tips you can use if you get stuck. It's kind of like cheating. So I recommend you try to achieve the challenge without reading ahead first. Then, if you need help, read on.

I never said you couldn't use satisfaction points. 

I also never said that you can't change other lots. Your dorm building (not your specific room), college community spaces, the park, library, etc. all of these places can be changed however you want. Need to work on rocket science skill but don't have a rocket at home? Put one in the local park.


  • Max out all Toddler skills by birthday. This is easier to do if a parent does things with the child. Forget the Wabbit Tablet, have parents teach flashcards, and play with the dollhouse. 

***My Toddler was maxed out in the first 2 weeks, leaving me with 2.5 weeks to twiddle my thumbs. So, while it may seem difficult to max all toddler skills, it's also not something you need to

panic about. Take your toddler to the beach, park, maybe let them sleep once or twice lol. 


  • Max out all child skills. Once you max out certain child skills, you will unlock teen skills that you can start working on at child age. Google searching told me there are four, but I had more than that, so, just try everything and see what skills you can build.

***My child completed Scouts quickly, so I went ahead and joined Drama club as a child too. You can also do that. When I aged up to Teen, I had not completed the Drama club. To my utter joy, aging up did not remove me from the Drama club, and I lost none of my work in it. So my teen ended up finishing Drama club very quickly. 

A note about Clubs

Did you know that they will meet whenever you tell them to? Call up Caleb Vatore to come hang out and get that annoying "Caleb is Sleeping" response? No problem, add him to your club, click "Start Gathering" and BOOM, Caleb is coming over. This can be very handy when it's 2am but you need to work on your aspirations that require other sims. I made a Love & Hate club. I used it to meet girls for the Serial Romantic aspiration, and to get sims to Dislike me for the Public Enemy and Chief of Mischief aspirations. Very handy. [Also good for Villainous Valentine]

A note about Aspirations

  • You can change these as many times as you want without losing progress, but for some, you have to have the aspiration "active" in order to get credit for a task. So for example, the task may be to go on 2 dates. Let's say you have the University aspiration active and you go 45 dates, then switch back to Serial Romantic aspiration. You will notice the task to go on 2 dates is not checked off, even though you've been on many dates already. That's because you didn't have the Serial Romantic aspiration active when you went on those dates. Be aware of what aspirations are active!

  • If you chose an aspiration that has a career requirement, you may complete everything up to the career part, then stop and switch to a different aspiration, until you are finished with University. 

  • Keep in mind, some degrees will require skills that aspirations also require, so it makes sense to do those at the same time. Ex: Art degree + Painting skill + Painter Extraordinaire aspiration.

A note about Grade A for Child and Teen

In the first week of school you will need to do homework and projects, and make your Child/Teen "Study Hard" at school to get up to a grade A. But after that, if you always make your child "Study Hard" at school, then you won't have to do homework or projects ever again. This frees up evening time to work on skills and aspirations. 

My teen had some bad mood swings, so occasionally I would have him not "Study Hard", or he just wouldn't go to school some days. Because of this, I had to have him do homework 2 other times to maintain an A. TWO... in 6 weeks. Not bad.

Another thing: If you are going to have your child miss a day of school, use the phone to take a "Vacation Day"; don't just not go. No call/no show will bring down your grade. You can also call in sick (though they don't always believe it), and a parent with a certain level of writing can write the school a note using the computer.


  • Start working on skills, as many as you can. Think about university; you have to chose Distinguished degrees which means you have to get accepted into them first. How do you do that? By having some skills.

  • University loves the Research & Debate skill. Best to start building that before university.

  • You also have to qualify for all the Scholarships, so keep in mind what skills you need for those.

A note about Scholarships

Some scholarships have specific requirements:

  • The Athletic Scholarship requires you to play Soccer to maintain it. So don't sign up for that one until the semester you plan to play soccer. 

  • The eSports Scholarship requires you to play eSports to maintain it. So don't sign up for that one until the semester you plan to be in the eSports club.

  • There is one Scholarship that you cannot sign up for until AFTER getting accepted to a distinguished degree program: Merit-Based. Remember to apply for this.  

A note about starting University

You want to get to University asap, so you can finish it all before dying of old age!

I had to wait a few days for scholarship and University letters to come in the mail, so I used that week to go to Selvadora. Then, I forgot all about the Alley Cat Scholarship and had to wait another week to get that skill up, apply, and wait for mail. So my sim spent the first 2 weeks of Young Adult life NOT in University.

Think ahead...don't be like me lol. 

A note about University grade of A

I always see people on FB complaining about not being able to get an A in University. HOW?!?! LOL, I have never had this problem. But since there are people that do, here's some help...


  • Always, always, always "Take Notes" while in class.

  • Do the paper and presentations ASAP. Always do them "twice"; Edit your paper, and Reorganize your presentation, until they are perfect before submitting.

  • Ask the professors about your grade by using your phone or computer.

  • Get the textbook if your professors say you need to work harder. After submitting your paper and presentation, click on the textbook to study. Sometimes it will have 4 courses to choose from, sometimes one. This is an indicator of which courses you need more study in.

  • Think of the skills! Are you taking a painting class? What level is your painting skill? Higher=better grade.

  • Another important skill: Research and Debate. University loves this skill and it's something you don't think of until you are there. Think Ahead! Get a book and start building this skill while still a Teen. 

Have Fun!

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