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Green World

Created 2022

Are you tired of smog? Tired of trash lining the streets?  How about getting tangled in nets when you go to the beach? So do something about it! You have the power to clean this world up and create a greener home for all Sims.


Your job is to clean up the world. 

Challenge works best with Eco Lifestyle, Seasons, Island Living, and City Living Packs used.

Story Time

MUST READ: This story also tells you some rules on when you should be moving or changing careers.

Ash Elwood just became a young adult and was ready to leave his parents home. Like most young adults, Ash had no idea what he wanted to do with his life, so he took the first job he could find: Civic Planner. The city of Evergreen Harbor (where Ash was living in a small apartment), was in dire need of help. The town was dirty, polluted, and the streets were lined with trash (probably why Ash was able to afford the apartment without 4 other roommates). They desperately needed a civic planner, but no one seemed interested in taking on that responsibility. That is, until Ash showed up. He had no prior experience, but since he was willing to at least give it a try, he got the job!


Ash never had any concern for the planet before, but while figuring out the mechanics of this job, he began to realize how polluted everything was. He thought, "Why don't they just plant more trees and other green stuff? Surely that would fix the problem!" He did some research on this thought, only to be bombarded with insults about how little he actually knew about trees, plants, and botany in general. So, having completed all he could in the Civic Planner career, he set out to learn what the big deal is with plants. He became a Botanist. Ash learned all there is to know about gardening, and even created some new plants! He realized how very wrong he was before, but it's not like the world could just put an in end to all machinery and return to cave-man days. He thought, "There must be a way that we can keep our technology without destroying our planet." And he set out to find a way.

Ash became a Green Technician to learn how to accomplish this task. He started new initiates in the neighborhoods of Evergreen Harbor that required clean energy and recylcing. He learned about fabricating and making appliances Eco-friendly. With all this effort he actually managed to clean up the town. He used his knowledge and influence to create community spaces that could be used to keep the town green, and provide free resources to the townspeople. 


After fixing up Evergreen Harbor, a Sulani Governor contacted Ash. The stories of his great accomplishments had reached Sulani and the governor was desperate for Ash to use his talents to clean up the ocean. There were nets everywhere, trash lining the beaches and pollution killing the fish in the sea. Ash empathized with the governor but alas, he did not know how to swim! Since this town is a beach town, Ash determined it would be best for him to learn to swim, and while spending that time in the ocean, he would also investigate it. Ash became a Diver. Not only did he become aware of the terrible conditions the islands were in, but he also managed to find some hidden treasures buried under all that pollution. 

Once Ash felt comfortable in the ocean, and knew what needed to be done, he decided to start making changes. Unfortunately, though popular in Evergreen Harbor, he had not quite garnered the trust of the Sulani Natives. And even if he had, there were simply too few of them to create real change. Ash decided his best bet was to become a Marine Biologist so he could really research the best means to clean up the ocean, and also garner some outside support through documentaries about the ocean. Thanks to his time as a Diver, Ash knew exactly where all the cool fish were, where the worst patches of pollution were, and he was able to deep dive to places that not many others could. With these skills he was able to make amazing documentaries that provided much needed support for the ocean cleanup project. 

While the outside help was much needed, Ash realized it was the natives that needed to stop treating the ocean so poorly, lest it end up back like it was when he first arrived. Asking them to stop wasn't working, so he decided to lay down some new laws and fines. Ash became the Environmental Manager of Sulani and enacted new laws and fines to keep all his hard work from being destroyed. Eventually the natives came to trust him and decided they really do prefer the ocean to be clean. With most of the work completed, Ash spent some time relaxing and collecting shells and other ocean trinkets. This time of relaxation didn't last for long though. 

Ash was contacted by a campaign manager who believed that with his background and persuasive skills, he would make a great politician. After thinking it over, Ash decided that a higher seat of power would give him the ability to make the same type of changes to other towns that are currently outside of his reach. He agreed to become a politician. The campaign manager advised Ash to get some charity work to add to his resume first. "But, isn't that what I've been doing?" The campaign manager explained that his previous efforts were town specific; now he needed to meet with higher-level politicians and lobby for a cause that can touch all towns. Not to mention these events will make for great meet & greets that can help secure votes in the future. Ash agreed with the manager, moved to a new town (your choice) and became a Charity Organizer. 

After successfully raising money for his causes, it was finally time to enter the race for Politician. Using all his skills and speaking with all his new aquaintances, Ash was able to secure enough votes and offically "Speak for the Trees". Ash soon became a National Leader. With this new power, Ash will be able to branch out to other towns and make the entire world a greener, cleaner world for all to live in. 


  • Start off in a small apartment in Evergreen Harbor. 

  • Does not have to be a male sim named Ash Elwood. Do as you please on that. 

  • It does have to be a human, with the exception of a brief period as a plant sim. 

  • Start at Young Adult age. 

  • Must have traits: "Outgoing", "Ambitious", and "Loves Outdoors". 

  • At any time you may have a romantic relationship or kids, so long as it does not interfere with the career goals. 

  • Sim must be a plant sim while working the Gardening career.

    • This means regularly eating the fruit or using cheats to maintain plant occult.

      • You can cheat to get the fruit. ​​

  • Must have the following on your home lot while working the Green Technician career, and in your last home:

    • Atmospheric Water Generators and Dew Collectors

    • Fabricator

    • Hydroponic Garden Planter

    • Fuel-powered Generator

    • Insect Farm

    • Recycler

    • Solar Panels

    • Wind Turbine

  • Must complete the following Island Living Collections:

    • Buried Treasure (18)

    • Seashells (13)

    • Fish (14)

    • Underwater Photos (10)

  • Must complete the following Careers in the following order: 

    1. Civil Designer: Civic Planner

      • Complete Aspiration: Eco Innovator​

    2. Gardener: Botanist

      • Complete Aspiration: Freelance Botanist​

    3. Civil Designer: Green Technician

      • See above ^ for home specifics​

    4. Diver

      • Should be living in Sulani now. ​

    5. Conservationist: Marine Biologist

      • Complete Aspiration: Beach Life​

    6. Conservationist: Environmental Manager

    7. Politician: Charity Organizer

      • You should be living in a new town now.​

      • Complete Aspiration: Party Animal

    8. Politician: Politician. Cause: Speak For The Trees

      • Complete Aspiration: Neighborhood Confidante​

Challenge Ends when you have completed all of the above and all of Sulani and Evergreen Harbor are cleaned up.

Have Fun!

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