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I wAnT rEaLiSm!

Created Feb 2022

One of the biggest complaints/requests of Sim players is a desire for more realistic gameplay. "Give me more realism! It's not realistic enough! I want more realism!"  Do you really want a more realistic sim world though? For this challenge we will do our best to make the world as realistic as possible using mods. And if you're anything like me, you'll realize how much sweeter an unrealistic game actually is.


*This challenge is Base Game compatible but does require several specific Mods.* 


  • Rules may be a little different depending on the packs you have.

  • You can play whatever storyline you want as long as it touches on ALL the realism mods.

    • For example: For the university mod, you can have your main sim go to university, or you can have a child in the house go to university and then forget about them. Totally up to you, but someone must apply for university in order to do all the things that mod has to offer. Must have a child in the house for the child mods. Must have someone die for the Mortem mod. Must use the alarm clock. Must move into a new home. And so on.

  • If you have the Cottage Living Pack, then you must have the Lot Challenge "Simple Living".

    • You cannot have groceries delivered to your home; you must go to the stall. 

  • Must be Human.

  • You may create retail stores to buy groceries, furniture, etc. instead of using build/buy if you'd like. 

  • You can add to these mods with more mods you like or CC. But you CANNOT use other mods to cheat the effects of the mods below. (No using MCCC to change mood given by the Mood Pack mod or Milstones mod.)

Important Mod Information!

  • It is up to you to determine which mods require specific packs in order to work.

    • If you do not have the pack required, then don't use that mod/part of the challenge.

  • It is up to you to determine if mods are updated/broken/missing etc.

    • If a mod is out of date, etc., then again, don't use that mod/part of the challenge.

  • Pay attention to mod directions!

    • Some mods require placing a lot in the world before it can be used. Others require another form of set-up before gameplay (Organic Hair-Simrealist). Still others require you to download more mods just to make this one work properly. Be patient; it might take some time to get everything set-up before you can actually start playing.

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