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Lara Jones

Created 2020

Have you ever wanted to venture into ancient tombs and hazardous ruins? With a little exercise, and a convincing cover career, you'll be able to! But BEWARE, traps and magic await the unprepared.

* Jungle  Adventure & Outdoor Retreat used  for  challenge.

Story Time

Lara Jones had been interested in jungle exploration from a very young age. Probably started with Dora the Explorer. Rather than play outside with the other kids, she would spend hours upon hours sitting in her room, reading stories about brave adventurers exploring the hidden places of the world and uncovering mythical artifacts. Of course the mythical artifacts part was fake, but uncovering dinosaur bones, or artifacts from ancient civilizations was possible. Most of her teen years she sat binge-watching documentaries of archaeologists uncovering something amazing. She was so excited to get outside and explore, she asked her dad to take her camping. Unfortunately her heavy weight made the hike impossible, so they settled for a lesser spot at the base of the mountain. The rest of the trip didn't get any better; she didn't have enough strength to carry her own pack, they had to keep taking breaks for her to catch her breath, she wasn't flexible or strong enough to climb over the fallen trees on the path, and at one point she felt like she was suffering from heat exhaustion. At that point her father insisted the trip was over.

She was so disappointed. She had always been overweight, but it had never affected her home life, so she didn't realize how much strength and effort nature required. She decided she would never be able to handle the outdoor lifestyle that exploring/archaeology required, so there was no reason to attend college for that major. Her father, bless his heart, tried to make her feel better by encouraging her to pursue something she already knew and food. Why not right? Lara learned all sorts of recipes and even got a job as a chef! It was here that she got to meet some famous chefs, one of whom mentioned adding bugs to meals and using cooking to create lotions and salves. Intrigued, she asked for the chef to mentor her in the art of Herbalism. Together they traveled to secluded places and collected rare plants. The more she delved into herbalism, the more she learned about its uses guessed it Explorers!

It was a reminder of a dead dream and her mentor couldn't help but notice her sadness. After hearing her plight, her mentor introduced her to a real archeologist Dr. Brennan, who was also overweight. The Dr. explained that leaping over spike traps, and running from undead skeletons would certainly require a more fit physique, but if you can sit on the ground and move a shovel or brush, then exacvating ancient sites is something she could certainly do right now! Not to mention Lara had already been doing some level of hiking and excavating for herbalism. Lara didn't have a universtiy degree, but she was well known for her herbalism skills, so the Dr. was able to bring her along on her expeditions as part of her team. Lara was able to learn and practice real life archaeology with a real life expert in the subject!

Lara was so happy that her dream had come true but there was something missing. Somehow she felt restless. With each artifact she uncovered she felt more and more that perhaps she had only fulfilled half of her dream. She just couldn't shake the rediculous dream of exploring the deep jungle and leaping over traps. There was, after all, a part of the jungle that the archaeology team were afraid of, that the locals whispered about, that had never been explored. Every fiber of her being screamed for her to explore it! But if she were going to do it, she would need to learn more about the area, and the local culture, but most importantly, she would need to get into jungle explorer shape!

She moved to a warmer climate (to help her body adapt to such weather) and she joined the local gym. Not really sure where to start, she found herself a trainer telling him that she was just looking to lose weight and be fit enough to hike Mt. Komorebi. I mean, she couldn't very well tell him she was planning to explore a hidden temple! She also thought about going to university to get that archaeology degree, but unfortunately the university in her new town didn't have archeology as a major. She needed something though to make money that would also give her reason to go on expeditions. Journalism! She could be a journalist writing about a lesser known people, the Selvadoradians. Turns out the rest of the world was very interested in Selvadorada and her people. Lara made great money from her stories, good friends amongst the Selvadorada people, and finally entered into the forbidden jungle.

Her first few trips to the jungle proved deadly. Even though she was now fit enough to handle the trecherous terrain and climate, she was not prepared for the new wildlife! She was attacked, injured and at least once she nearly died! Each time she entered the jungle she took with her new equipment she was sure would protect her, and each time, she didn't have enough. Though difficult, there were good things too; she found new artifacts, new fish species, and some new plant that seemed to affect emotions. With each trip she discovered a new place, new ruins, new beautiful views. She was in love with the jungle and so happy for every moment in it, including the bad ones. But she still hadn't found the temple! What if it didn't actually exist? It was only whispers that mentioned it after all. NO! it had to exist! She had worked too hard, too long, and suffered too much for it not to exist. It did, and she would be the one to find it. 

And find it she did. It was beautiful and to her surprise still mostly intact. If the temple was real, then the legends about traps and tests within must also be real. She started by excavating the area, looking for clues that may tell her how to survive the inside. She was so focused on this task that she didn't notice the blue living skeleton that was watching her intently. Lara descended to the bottom levels of the temple and was able to make it past the first trap unharmed. But she found the answer to the second trap was much harder to decipher. She approached the mechanism and was about to pull a switch when she heard a voice from behind her say, "That switch will kill you." She nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound. She whirled around to see a skeleton walking towards her! She screamed, turned to run, and ran right into the trap! Instantly she was infected with a deadly poison. To her surprise the skeleton was not evil, and actually told her how to find an antidote to the poison. He told her that he had been watching her and decided she was worthy of the temples' secrets. And thus began a great friendship.

Many times Lara returned to the jungle finding new paths, new ruins, and a new temple with hidden treasure each time. Eventually she had found all of the Relics her skeleton friend had told her about. She knew that some were dangerous, and may even kill her with a curse, but her natural curiosity got the best of her and she decided to use each relic. But...maybe she'd test a few of the more dangerous ones on her enemies first. As it turned out, her articles about Selvadorada peaked the interest of some very bad characters who sought to harm the people and the jungle. So why not use the jungle relic on them? Eventually though, she just had to try them out on herself as well. In doing so she made yet another skeleton friend. But she also suffered through some serious curses as well. 

Lara continued to explore the world until her body would no longer allow it. In her older years she wrote books about her adventures, labeled as fiction of course, and became a best-selling author. When she felt the hand of death upon her, she destroyed the relics so that no other could use them for harm or power. And with that, she finally rested.


​Getting Started:

  • Use LONG Lifespan

  • Start as Young Adult age.

  • Does not have to be a woman named Lara Jones. 

  • Must not have marriage, children, or a commited relationship ever!

    • Pets are ok, but they cannot go into the Jungle with you. They can go to Selvadorada though.

  • Start out with obese weight. 

  • Feel free to take pictures of your adventures. 

Chef Life:

  • Must complete Culinary Career-Chef Branch.

  • Must complete Master Chef Aspiration. 

  • After you complete these two, then you can start working on Herbalism.


  • Must learn Herbalism, max this skill, and then get your meals from this.

  • Must complete Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration. 

  • Must travel to Granite Falls with your "mentor".

    • This can be any NPC you choose, but they must always be with you when you go to Granite Falls to get Herbalism ingredients. 

  • Use your chef career money to pay for vacations. NO CHEATING MONEY!

  • Must make every Recipe. (There are 13).

  • Must use at least 2 Herbal recipes. (NOT the Fertility one).

    • You may sell or gift the others.​

After you max Herbalism skill and Culinary career, then you must travel to Selvadorada with "Dr. Brennan" and excavate at the museum lot. ​

  • This can be any NPC you choose, but they must always be with you when you go to Selvadorada.​

  • Must complete Archaeology Scholar Aspiration. 

  • You may only stay in Selvadorada for 3 days maximum at a time.

  • This rule applies to all parts of the challenge.

  • Must buy an Archaeology table.

  • You must use your table, instead of ones that are in the world.

  • You can only use your table while in Selvadorada. (In your rented home).

  • You may also Dig all the dirt piles in Selvadorada and anywhere else. 

  • You must use the Archaeology table to extract all fossils. NO doing it with item in your inventory. 

  • Must find ALL artifacts and aunthenticate each one yourself on the Archaeology table.

  • You can continue working on this rule while exploring the jungle and temple.​

  • Practice Archaeological Analysis 10 times.  

  • Must collect and refine enough crystals to use Relics.

    • That's 9 common, 9 uncommon, and 9 rare crystals.

    • Must use Archaeology table to refine crystals yourself.


Getting Jungle Fit:

  • Must lose weight and gain muscle.

  • You must go to a gym to exercise; this should not be done in your home. 

  • You must always ask the NPC trainer to train you when you go to the gym.

  • You must also learn how to box at the gym. You never know when you'll need to punch a monster. 

After you finish Archaeology Scholar aspiration, then: 

  • You must quit the Chef career and join the Journalist career.

    • Now you're using your Journalist income to pay for vacations. NO cheating money!​

  • You must complete the Jungle Explorer aspiration.

  • Must get all Jungle explorer gear from the vendor tables in Selvadorada. NO CHEATING!

  • Must purchase/collect all the Baskets and Omiscan Dolls sold at the vendor tables in Selvadorada.

Before entering the jungle you must:

  • Dance the Rumbasim with a local.

  • "Show Respect" to Madre Cosecha statue. (This is in addition to "viewing" the statue for the jungle explorer aspiration.)

  • Do all socials with locals. 

    • Chat about local sights

    • Ask about the jungle

    • Ask about the omisan ruins

    • Discuss local heritage

    • Inquire about myths

    • Learn about history of local goods

    • Local salutation

    • Show pictures of Selvadorada

    • I think that's all of them lol.

  • Make 3 local friends (middle friendship bar).

  • Write 5 journal articles (books) about Selvadorada. 

    • Give them titles as if you're writting for National Geographic about an unknown people. Titles about the Rumbasim, or Artifacts, etc. 

In your home world: 

  • Give an Archaeology Lecture to 5 different NPC's.

  • Display Artifacts in your home with pride.

  • Except for the Relics, hide those in a secret room. 

  • Put some Ancient Bone Dust in your home as decor.  

  • Must keep all finds, except duplicates, those you can sell. 

  • You may open a retail store to sell duplicates if you'd like.

  • You may also donate duplicates to the Smithsonian Museum (once aspiration is completed).

  • Tell Selvadorada Folk Tales to 5 different NPC's.

In the Jungle:

  • Must Survey For a Dig Pile and Excavate it every time you enter the jungle. 

  • Harvest a Tree Of Emotions. 

  • You may ONLY explore ONE new hidden area on each trip.

    • So that should be 5 trips. (See map WITH SPOILERS in the "Need Help?" section for help).

  • You may enter the Temple each time you go to the Jungle (because it changes appearance). 

  • You must get poisoned. (This can happen on the path or in the Temple).

  • You must get the antidote from a local. NO using the computer or cheats!

At the Temple:

  • Befriend a Temple Guardian.

    • Must Reach mid friendship bar. 

    • Learn a Skeleton Joke.

    • Discuss Ancient History.

  • Must "Study For Insight" 3 of the artifacts inside the Temple on every trip.

  • Must reach and take the Treasure!


  • Must find enough Relic pieces to make all 27 versions. 

    • These can be found while excavating or from chests.​

    • There are 3 Relics: Balampalsoh, Totecallam, and Zazatototl.

    • There are 3 Bases: Chaos, Death, and Watcher. 

    • Relics and Bases combine in 9 different combinations. 

    • Add a crystal for 27 different combinations. 

    • See "Need Help?" section below for more. 

  • Must use Relics on 5 different NPC's. (In home world)

  • Must use all relics on yourself...and survive!

    • Save your game before using each relic!!! Just in case.

      • If you die, the challenge is not over, just reload your save and try again. 

Once you've completed all of the above:

  • Write 5 or more fictional books about your adventures. 

  • Destroy the Relics. 

Challenge Ends when you have done all of the above. 

Have Fun!

Indiana Jones & Lara Croft

Why Lara Jones?

When I was a little girl, my dad was a fan of Indiana Jones. I saw the movies because he watched them. I can remember he and my mom forbidding my sister and I from watching "The Temple Of Doom" because of the dark themes. But we would sneak downstairs and hide behind the big chair to watch it anyway. I had so many nightmares from that movie LOL! But it also gave me a desire to explore. And that's what I did; I would explore everything from empty apartments in my complex to going off-trail on hikes. I also fell for other exploring stories/movies like "The Goonies". 

As a preteen, my uncle introduced me to Tomb Raider. Up to that point I had only played Spyro and Frogger. He said he got a new game that was super difficult. I tried the first PS1 Tomb Raider and was instantly hooked. He thought I would be in the living room for just a few minutes, before I gave up, unable to pass that first set of spike traps, but instead, I was in there for hours making my way through the game. My parents bought me a copy and it soon became my favorite video game. I wanted so badly to be like Lara Croft! My favorite game is Tomb raider II (PS1, not Rise of the Tomb Raider), with Chronicles as a close second. 

Indiana Jones, often called "Indi", is an American media franchise based on the adventures of Dr. Henry Walton "Indiana" Jones, Jr., a fictional professor of archaeology. He was created by George Lucas, and made into film by Steven Spielberg. Spielberg told Lucas he was interested in making a James Bond film, but Lucas told him of an idea "better than James Bond". Spielberg loved it, calling it "a James Bond film without the hardware".

image cropped from movie jacket

Tomb Raider originated in 1994 at Core Design, a British game development studio. She was originally going to be male, but it was feared she would be seen as a derivative of Indiana Jones, so they made her female. Lara Croft is the main protagonist and playable character of the video game series: she travels the world in search of forgotten artifacts and locations, frequently connected to supernatural powers.

Need Help?



These can be found in Granite Falls.

  • Chamomile

  • Toxic Chamomile

  • Elderberry

  • Noxious Elderberry

  • Huckleberry

  • Muckleberry

  • Fireleaf

  • Poison Fireleaf

  • Morel Mushroom

  • False Morel Mushroom


  • Insect Repellent Liniment

  • Sadness Alleviation Lotion

  • Fungal Infusion Fertilizer

  • Deoderizing Cream

  • Soothing Skin Balm

  • De-Stressing Decocotion

  • Tummy Therapy

  • Clear Mind Distillation

  • Fireleaf Extract

  • Natural Herbicide Oil

  • Energizer Infusion

  • Rage Relieving Salve

  • Elixir Of Fertility





Relics & Bases

  • Each Relic can connect to each base.

  • Each Relic-Base Combination must hold a jewel.

  • For each one there are 3 different curse/blessings depending on what type of crystal is used. By "type" I mean "Common", "Uncommon" or "Rare". The actual color of the crystal does not matter. 

  • Relics have a limited number of uses before the crystal "cracks". To use this relic again you must insert a new crystal. 

You should absolutely have:

  • Balampalsoh connected with Death Base.

  • Balampalsoh connected with Watcher Base.

  • Balampalsoh connected with Chaos Base. 

  • Zazatototl connected with Death Base.

  • Zazatototl connected with Watcher Base.

  • Zazatototl connected with Chaos Base.

  • Totecallam connected with Death Base.

  • Totecallam connected with Watcher Base.

  • Totecallam connected with Chaos Base.

  • You can choose if you want to keep looking for more relic/bases, or if you want to just keep using the one you already have until the crystal cracks, and then put in a new crystal. 

  • If you choose to have all crystal combinations at the same time, then you will need 27 Relic/Bases.

  • If you choose to use up one relic crystal (say the common crystal for example) until it breaks, and then replace it with a new crystal (say a rare crystal), then you will only need 9 Relic/Bases. 

    • BUT! Using the relics may bring you a curse or even death, and you have to use them multiple times before the crystal will break, so you might have to suffer, or die and reload many times before you are able to finally replace the crystal. ​

If you choose to have all crystals in a Relic/Base at the same time then you should have:

  • Balampalsoh connected with Death Base and a common crystal.

  • Balampalsoh connected with Death Base and an uncommon crystal.

  • Balampalsoh connected with Death Base and a rare crystal.

  • Balampalsoh connected with Watcher Base with a common crystal.

  • Balampalsoh connected with Watcher Base with an uncommon crystal.

  • Balampalsoh connected with Watcher Base with a rare crystal. 

  • Balampalsoh connected with Chaos Base with a common crystal.

  • Balampalsoh connected with Chaos Base with an uncommon crystal.

  • Balampalsoh connected with Chaos Base with a rare crystal.

  • Zazatototl connected with Death Base with a common crystal.

  • Zazatototl connected with Death Base with an uncommon crystal.

  • Zazatototl connected with Death Base with a rare crystal.

  • Zazatototl connected with Watcher Base with a common crystal.

  • Zazatototl connected with Watcher Base with an uncommon crystal.

  • Zazatototl connected with Watcher Base with a rare crystal.

  • Zazatototl connected with Chaos Base with a common crystal.

  • Zazatototl connected with Chaos Base with an uncommon crystal.

  • Zazatototl connected with Chaos Base with a rare crystal.

  • Totecallam connected with Death Base with a common crystal.

  • Totecallam connected with Death Base with an uncommon crystal.

  • Totecallam connected with Death Base with a rare crystal.

  • Totecallam connected with Watcher Base with a common crystal.

  • Totecallam connected with Watcher Base with an uncommon crystal.

  • Totecallam connected with Watcher Base with a rare crystal.

  • Totecallam connected with Chaos Base with a common crystal.

  • Totecallam connected with Chaos Base with an uncommon crystal.

  • Totecallam connected with Chaos Base with a rare crystal.

Jungle Map

NO this map is not to scale, or completely acurate, and missing get the gist!

Jungle Map.png
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