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Law Abiding Citizen

Created 2020
Can a bad boy become a good man? Can a street-rat clean up the streets? Go from being a criminal to catching criminals? That kind of transformation will take some time.
*Get To Work, Strangerville, and Get Together packs used for challenge.
*WARNING: Challenge requi
res being really mean to others, theft & performing voodoo.​
Story Time

Paul Duncan was born into a very abusive home. By the time he was seven he was placed into a foster care home he didn't much care for. He was in and out of foster homes, homeless shelters and juvie all throughout his adolescence. By the time he turned 19 he had made a reputation of winning fights and pickpocketing so well that you never even knew it was happening. He caught the eye of the most notorious gang in the city and was quickly learning the ropes to become a criminal mastermind. He was well-suited for this lifestyle, with his mischievous personality and compulsion to theft. As he climbed the criminal ladder he found new ways to hurt others including voodoo! Eventually he even became a criminal Boss. Life was good and all was well...that is until the fire nation attacked. 

War broke out in the Sim world and being that he was young and fit, Paul was drafted. At first it wasn't so bad; he was the strongest, fastest, most cunning of everyone in boot camp. He figured this would be a piece of cake, after all, he had been in several gang wars before...but an actual war proved very different. Not only did his workout and fighting style change, but also his perception. He managed to make some real friends, and after seeing the pain and suffering of the innocents in the war, he determined that he was no better than the evil men they were fighting. How many times had he watched people cry or scream because of his actions or those of his gang? How was he so unempathetic before? I mean, he wasn't really hurting anyone right? Stealing isn't the same as murder. does cause the victims pain....maybe he really was a bad guy. As he looked at himself in the mirror, he realized that with all this extra exercise his body had changed, it had become stronger, better. And if the outdside of his body can change, then why couldn't he change the inside too? Why not make his personality better? So he returned all of the objects he had stolen and got rid of the "gifts" his old gang boss had given him. Well, all but one; he figured it would be a good idea to keep one momento of his past to remind him NOT to become that person again. Paul became a model soldier, won many medals, and helped to win the war!

He was asked to remain in the military and train the new recruits, but he thought his time would be better served as a detective. He wanted to help stop the people that were doing the things he used to do. He learned quickly that knowing the people in the city and having a good reputation goes a long way in helping to solve crimes. Unfortunately for him that wasn't going to be easy. It was easy to make friends in the military because they were the only people around and they were all experiencing the same situation. But civilians have different situations, different ideals, and many of them didn't need his friendship. He would have to make a concentrated effort at being nice. This got easier with time, and soon enough he developed a good reputation around town. Even so, it was hard to let go of the past. He once walked a criminal right out the front door of the prison, pretending the charges had been dropped. Little did the other detectives know that criminal was once a member of Paul's gang.

But overall he really took to the detective lifestyle; turns out some of those scoping and running skills from his bad days were very useful for stake outs and chasing. He was catching bad guys left and right, feeling great about it, and he was even awarded the Seal of Solidarity and Strength. One day he caught one of his past gang members in the middle of a heist. It was the youngest member he ever recruited to his gang once he became a boss. He couldn't turn him in, but he couldn't let him roam free either; at least, not until he'd had a chance to try to reform him. Paul locked him up in a cell with minor charges, where he could keep an eye on him, but also protect him from the law. It was from this criminal that Paul learned of a diamond heist about to occur. He went to the location, stopped the heist, and caught the bad guys. For this amazing feat Paul was officially named Chief of the department!

As chief he created a diamond task force to fight off diamond thieves, but it soon became clear to him that the best person for that job was in fact himself. After all, he used to be one! He decided to give up his prestigious chief position to become a secret agent. But first, he released his (now reformed) criminal from his cell with a reminder that if he ever saw him engaging in crime again, next time he wouldn't show mercy. He began his career by browsing intelligence websites and going on stake-outs. But it seemed no matter how hard he tried, the criminals were always one step ahead of him. HIM! The GANG BOSS, the MILITARY MARVEL, the CHIEF!!! How?!?! Paul realized that to stop these criminals the lines between Good and Evil would have to blur. He used his new detective skills to kindly enter homes of potential suspects, then used his old voodoo skills to tranquilize them. While they slept he would gather DNA samples and search the home for suspicious objects to take home and analyze. He thought, "It's alright, I'll analyze the object and sneak it back to their house tomorrow. They'll never know it was gone!"

Eventually he narrowed his suspect pool to five people, but wondered how he could keep an on each of them consistently? Then he remembered an old story his war buddies used to tell, about a scientific base somewhere in Strangerville with some peculiar plants. The soldiers in that story used hyper-inhanced "bugs" to spy on people, and Paul wondered if there might be any left over. He traveled to Strangerville and spoke with the local authority (local nutjob is more like it), and managed to acquire some of these special bugs himself. Using his old pickpocketing skills he bugged his prime suspects and listened for any clues. Paul heard something about a secret invention book and thought perhaps the bad guys had found a device to get past lasers. But to his dismay the book was written by a crazy person who just rambled on about space ships. After many days of listening and spying at last Paul found the leader and captured him.

With the help of some intense interrogation Paul learned, to his great surprise, that all of that space ship invention stuff was real! The criminals had found a way to build a rocket ship and use it for interstellar smuggling! He only had two choices: give up now or become an astronaut. Paul never was the type to give up, so he started on the path to learning all there was to know about outerspace. And you what? He really enjoyed it. He loved to gaze at the night sky and would point out constellations to anyone that crossed his path, no matter how annoying that might be. He learned the conventional way of making rockets and studied Crystal Vu's Top Secret Inventions book for further insight, like the importance of drinking a Space Energy Drink before space travel to ensure your body can handle the trip. In no time at all he was traveling through the cosmos capturing bad guys and locking them up!

The years passed on and Paul could not help but feel a great sense of accomplishment. But with it came a great sense of lonliness. He had friends, but none really knew his past. If he were to reveal his bad boy days to his current cop friends, they may very well lock him up for it! And he had never been in love before because the demands of the job never allowed him the time. He longed for some kind of a deeper relationship, but had no idea how to acquire one. One day, as he floated through the cosmos he came across a planet he'd never seen before. Hoping to find some new crystals for his collection he landed on the surface. As the door to his capsule opened he was met by an alien! And not just some blob in an aquarium, but a human-like alien that could walk and talk to him. The alien immediately told him things about himself that no one could've possibly known, unless of course they could read minds. Afraid and embarrassed by his past, he asked the alien what it wanted of him. To his surprise the alien held out a beautiful alien crystal and handed it to Paul. "It's for your collection", the alien said. Clearly this alien was unbothered by his evil past and was unconcerned about his trespassing on this planet. And with that, Paul thought that perhaps this might be the start of that deep relationship he'd been longing for. 

Rules For All Stages
  • Does not have to be a man named Paul Duncan.

  • Must be on LONG lifespan.

  • No Cheating/Mods to help you advance in career or aspiration.

  • Must complete Aspirations.

    • Chief Of Mischief​

    • Public Enemy

    • Leader Of The Pack

    • Friend Of The World

    • Nerd Brain

  • Must reach max level of Careers. 

    • Criminal-Boss

    • Military

    • Detective

    • Secret Agent-Diamond Agent

    • Astronaut-Space Ranger

  • Must create two separate clubs during lifespan (Gang and Soldiers).

    • Cannot use Extreme Violence or Basemental Gang mods for your "clubs".

  • Always JOIN your sim in the workplace where applicable, and follow the prompts.

  • Must decorate your home with the items you get from your career. 

  • Make outfits to wear using the clothing you get from career promotions. And wear them!

*Challenge Ends once you have completed everything below.*

Bad Boy Rules
  • Must complete "Chief of Mischief" and "Public Enemy" aspirations.

  • Must max "Criminal-Boss" career.

  • Once you reach BOSS level of your career, you must create a gang (using the club function).

  • Must collect and display all promotion gifts in your home. (Stolen ATM, Money bag, etc.)

  • Should buy all the Mischief books and have in your collection. (Even if you don't read them, keep them).

Gang (club) Rules:

  • Must get "Infamous" club status.

  • Must get matching jackets with your logo. (Logo can be anything you want) Must always wear during meetings.

  • Must get club Handshake. Must use with each club member once during every get together.

  • Must get club Penant and display in your home.

  • Your gang must meet once a week and travel to an NPC's home. Once there, you should:

    • Clog a sink.

    • Prank a toilet and sabotage a toilet (unless they only have one toilet, then prank it).

    • Steal something. 

  • Club Activities must include:

    • Swipe Objects.

    • Be Mean To Everyone.

    • Fight Everyone.

  • Banned Club Activities must include:

    • Be Friendly.

    • Clean.

    • Fix Objects.

  • Win 10 fights with NPC's (not your gang members).

  • Pickpocket 10 NPC's (not your gang members).

  • Win 10 arguments with NPC's. (Topic is your choice).

  • Send Chain Letters to 30 different NPC's.

  • Send Spam Money Requests to 10 different NPC's.

  • Swipe 20 items on purpose. (As in you make them do it, not them doing it on their own).

    • Display these items proudly in your home. (Even if they don't match your decor).​

      • Books that your sim steals on their own can be sold. As well as trash & plates.

  • Invest In "Legal" Money Making Scheme from Bess Sterling.

  • Sabotage 5 people.

  • Throw a Lampoon Party.​

  • Bribe boss for a promotion.
  • Bribe NPC's to be your friends. (These people can then join your gang).

  • Perform ALL Mean interactions.

  • Perform ALL Mischief interactions. 

  • Perform ALL voodoo interactions on a bound person. 

  • Have bound 3 NPC's to a voodoo doll. 

  • Must disband gang before joining Military.

Military Rules
  • Max out Military career.

  • Must create a new Soldiers club of military-only personnel.

    • (club requirement > career > military).

  • Complete "Leader Of The Pack" Aspiration.

  • Military Club rules: ​

    • Reach "Popular" club status.

    • Must Salute members at every meeting. 

    • Acquire the "Rally The Troops" social club perk, and use it. 

    • Must get the Trucker Hat and wear it to all meetings.

    • Meetings must take place outside of your home. 

    • Club Activities must include:

      • Workout

      • Play Darts

    • Banned Club activities must include:

      • Sleep

      • Watch TV

  • Must Return ALL Stolen Objects. 

  • Must Salute other soldiers in the world when you come across them. 

  • Stop talking/being friends with your old gang members. 

  • Sell "bad" items from your Bad Boy days (such as the stolen ATM, etc.)

    • Keep ONE item as a reminder to not return to that lifestyle.​

  • Must receive ALL 10 medals and display them proudly in a display case in your home. 

  • Reach high Friendship with all club members. 

  • Get Buff. You don't have to be The Rock or Schwarzenegger size, but should have obvious muscle if you didn't already. 

  • Must own a B64 training Bot. (punching bag if you don't have Strangerville). 

    • Use it daily.

  • Disband your Soldiers club before becoming a detective.​​

Detective Rules
  • Max out Detective career.

  • Complete "Friend Of The World" Aspiration.

  • Become friends (middle of bar or higher) with at least one of each of the following while at work (only interact with these people while at work):

    • Detective

    • Lab Tech

    • Officer

    • Conspiracy Theorist

    • Chief

    • Assistant

    • Criminal

  • Always be friendly when on patrol.

  • Display your military flag in your yard, or (main room of home if an apartment) proudly. 

  • Display the "Pole Of Magnificence" in your yard, or (main room of home if an apartment) proudly. 

  • Once you become a detective, create a cell in your home and imprison one of your old gang friends in there. (This person will have to become a part of your "family" so they don't disappear). Don't let them die in there.

  • Walk a crminal out the front door of the police station.

  • Decorate your house in detective stuff. Make it look like you're obsessed with it. 

    • Use at least one of the unlocked build mode items (windows, doors, lights, signs, etc.).​

    • Surround your home with security cameras. 

    • MUST hang up The Sim Seal Of Solidarity And Strength.

  • Donate to an Online Charity at least 10 times. 

  • After becoming Chief release the prisoner in your home. 

Diamond Agent Rules
  • Max the Secret Agent--Diamond Agent career.

  • Use computer daily to Browse Intelligence Database or Research Intelligence. 

  • Create a secret room (using the Bookcase Door) and put all your detective/agent stuff in there that you get from promotions. 

  • Purchase a Listening Device with Chair and add to secret room.

    • You may decorate with other Strangerville items if you want to.

  • EVERY DAY you must travel to a new venue/home and use the "Tranquilizing Handshake" (Mischief) on an NPC, then steal something from that location. (This interaction becomes available with a promotion).

    • Put the object in your home and "View" it once that same day.

    • Return the stolen item the following day. 

  • Once available, use your computer to Investigate all the people you Tranquilize.

  • Plant Bugs on 5 NPC's (different from the ones you tranquilize) and listen in on one of them every day. 

    • Must purchase bugs from Erwin Pines at the Curio shop.

  • Max the Logic Skill.

  • When you reach the final level of this career, make an arrest by once again imprisoning an NPC in your home cell. (Again, add them to your family so they don't disappear).

    • Let this sim die of old age in that cell.

  • Purchase and read "Crystal Vu's Top Secret Inventions" book. (Erwin Pines)

Space Ranger Rules
  • Max the Astronaut-Space Ranger career.

  • Complete Nerd Brain Aspiration.

  • Max Rocket Science Skill.

  • Point Out Constellations to 15 NPC's.

  • Purchase a Telescope or Observatory. 

    • Stargaze 10 times.​

    • Moongaze 10 times.

    • Observe The Sky 10 times.

    • Hang up all images you get from doing the above in your home.

  • You may "Spy On Neighborhood" 3 times...after all, you have to make sure your home is safe.

  • Add Mission Control to your secret room.

  • Make the Space Energy Drink (and drink it) before every space mission.

  • Build a Rocket. 

    • Upgrade all parts of the Rocket. 

  • Display everything you find in space in your home. (aliens, rocks, crystals)​

  • Once you reach max level in this career, then travel to Sixam. 

    • Make an alien friend or lover, and reach max relationship level with them.

  • Move Alien into your family. 

Have Fun!
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