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MRS  Degree

Created 2022

Women's rights have come a long way, but there was a time when women were not allowed to attend university. Those that were permitted, often attended simply for the purpose of finding a husband. Men were expected to completely take care of their wives and children. See for yourself with this challenge from the 1950's. The University pack is required for this challenge. 


This challenge uses 1950's American Gender Roles. This may be offensive to some. If you find this offensive, then this challenge is not for you. Check out some of the others :-)

Getting Started
  • For this challenge you will be playing both the male and the female. So start off with both a male and female young adult age in your house. But do your best not to let them socialize with each other. We're pretending they don't know each other yet.

  • Get them enrolled in the same school, same dorm. Split the dorm up into male and female sides so we can pretend that it's not co-ed. 

  • Get To Work pack is preferred so that he can go to school to become a Doctor. His degree will be Biology. But if you don't have that pack, then make his degree Communications and give him the Business career. 

  • She should have the Culinary Arts major, and make sure she takes the elective class: Time Out! Parenting In? None of which matters because when she graduates she will be a stay-at-home mom. 

At University

Remember, you're playing out a storyline. How each one acts while in University will be different and reflective of the values of the time.


  They should not actually meet eachother until the 3rd semester. 

He will focus on his studies and she will focus on finding a husband. 

  • His parents want him to become a successful Doctor. He enrolls in University, in the Biology program and begins his destiny. He has some male friends, and occasionally he will attend a game, but more often he turns down invites to focus on his studies. He feels a great pressure from his father to be successful and he doesn't want to let him down. 

    • With all this extra studying, you shouldn't have any problems maintaining a grade of "A" for this sim. 

  • Some men at the time slept around with loose women, some abstained. Which one this sim does is up to you.

    • He cannot impregnate any of the loose women.
      • So no Try For Baby and no mods that allow woohoo to impregnate.​
      • He cannot sleep with the woman in this challenge (the one he will be marrying) until after they are married.

  • In his 3rd semester, a roommate will force him to go out to an event. Here he will meet her. They will hit it off instantly, he's never seen a woman so beautiful. He will stay out later this night to spend more time with her, instead of going home to study. 

    • The event they both attend is entirely up to you. 

  • Feeling both the pressure from his father, and a desire to be able to provide for this woman he's sure is "the one", he never falters in his grades. But he does start spending time with her on a daily basis, even if only for a brief amount of time.

  • Once finals are over and graduation is just around the corner, he takes her out on a really nice date and proposes marriage to her. 

    • What the date entails is entirely up to you. 

  • They graduate and are married soon after. 

  • Her mother explained to her the importance of finding a husband to take care of her. There are very few job opportunities for women and the pay is nothing compared to what a man makes. Her best hope for survival is to find a man that will take care of her. In return she will learn to cook and clean properly, and bear him children to carry on his name. She explains that university is a place where there are many men, and it will teach her to cook better dishes than what the average woman knows. She advises her daughter to try her best to find a kind, good man, but not to be too picky, because in this mans world, any husband is better than no husband. So taking her mothers advice/warnings, she enrolls in university to find a husband. 

  • While she knows that being loose may get her to a man quicker, she was raised in a Christian home and refuses to let the value of abstinence until marriage go. 

    • So she doesn't woohoo at all until she is married. No woohoo of any kind (no fondling, oral, anal, etc.).​

  • She spends most of her days giggling and talking about her dreams with her female friends. Her group attends several parties, get-togethers, study groups, campus events, etc. all in hopes of meeting a good man. She meets and flirts with many different men, but unfortunately after to getting to know them a little better, she decides they are not what she wants for her future. 

    • While she makes well enough grades, and becomes a great cook, she can't use that degree for a career so her grades don't have to be perfect. Don't let her fail or end up on probation though!​

  • In her 3rd semester, her group of friends attend an event where at last, she meets "the one". She was beginning to lose hope that she'd find a good man and have to settle for a douche just to survive. To be extra sure, she allowed herself to stay out later to spend even more time with him. They hit it off instantly and he walked her to her dorm afterwards. 

    • The event they both attend is entirely up to you. 

  • At first she is hesitant to reach out to him, knowing the pressure he's under. But after he invites her out 5 times, she realizes that he is willing to find a way to fit her into his busy schedule. She starts reaching out to him daily. Sometimes she has to wait until a certain time of day when he's free. Sometimes he just shows up at her door to see if she's free. Sometimes they are both busy with homework, but decide to study together. Whatever the case, they spend almost every day together. 

  • Once finals are over and graduation is just around the corner, he takes her out on a really nice date and proposes marriage to her. She excitedly says yes!

    • What the date entails is entirely up to you. 

  • They graduate and are married soon after. 

Just Married
  • Once they graduate they will have to move. Again have them move in together, but pretend like they don't live together. You can move them into two separate houses, but that gives you less control over them. Living together they can talk and flirt, but again no woohoo yet.


  • Just as quick as they move out of the dorms, set a wedding date! 

  • Give them a beautiful wedding, spare no expense, and take lots of pictures. 

    • Feel free to cheat photography skill to get some good pictures.

  • After they are officially married, send them on a Honeymoon (vacation).

    • The honeymoon can be anywhere you like. ​

    • Make it last a week. 

  • Once they reach their honeymoon destination, then, at last, they can consumate their marriage!!

    • Woohoo as much as you like :-)​

  • BEFORE they leave their honeymoon, get her pregnant. 

    • Pay attention to the timing though. Don't let her give birth while she's on her honeymoon. ​

    • Maybe Try For Baby on the last day of the trip. 

  • Once they get home, give him the Doctor career. 

  • Give them $50,000 to decorate their new home (gifts from rich family members). 

    • Feel free to cheat them into a bigger home. ​

  • Once your home is the way you want, give them $20,000 to start their lives. Don't worry, he'll be making good money soon enough. 

Married Life

For this part of the challenge, think about typical gender roles. 

  • He should work and be a successful doctor. 

    • This means going to work with him and accomplishing the tasks. ​

  • He should have the Successful Lineage Aspiration.

  • He should do all the repairs in the house, taking out the trash, etc.  

    • If you have mods that add more, then again think of the gender roles. Example: mod that allows grass to grow and you have to mow the lawn...he should be the one mowing the lawn.​

    • Once sons are old enough they should be doing these chores too.

  • She should be a stay-at-home mom. 

    • No job, not even freelance or plopsy. ​

  • She should have the Big Happy Family Aspiration.

  • She should be doing all the cooking and cleaning. 

    • If you have Laundry Day, she should be the one doing the laundry. ​

    • She must be the one doing chores, no nanny or butler. 

    • Once the daughers are older, they should start helping with these chores. 

    • The only exception to this rule is when mom is pregnant. During these times he will hire help so as not to put too much strain on his pregnant wife or unborn child. 

  • She will be responsible for the bulk of the child rearing as well. 

  • The couple must have at least 5 children, and at least one of those children must be a boy. ​

  • Give the couple a very happy marriage, and soulmate/best friends status. 

  • You can have pets if you want. 

  • No roommates.

  • She will be very loving and spend a great deal of time with her children. 

  • He should be more distant with his kids. 

    • Think about the time period. Men didn't have much to do with raising children and didn't spend much time with their kids. But that didn't mean that they didn't love them. It was just the culture of the time. They also weren't permitted to cry ever. So he can spend time with his kids, but they should never reach the best friend level. ​

    • Because he is male, and his son(s) is male, he will spend a bit more time with his son(s), then with daughters. Helping with homework as a child, then "teaching" him how to be a man as a teen. Again though, not quite best friends. 

      • If they reach best friend level on their own, give them an argument to bring it back down some.​

    • There were a lot of abusive, neglectful fathers of the time, but there were also good ones. These good ones were great compared to the others of their time, but when compared to fathers of today, they were lacking. So your father sim shouldn't be super lovey dovey, but also not abusive. Find the in between. ​

  • You can move houses as much as you like, but you must use money he earned, no more cheating funds. 

  • Take your family to festivals, and take vacations. You are a family with money, and you love eachother. 

  • The children should be raised to follow traditional gender roles (because that's what their parents know), but once they reach young adult age, then you can start breaking the norm. ​

    • Once the kids reach young adult age, it will be the 70's-80's time frame where women were getting real degrees and wearing pants all the time! So as kids, follow the roles, but as young adults, those daughters can go to university for science and stay single, and those sons can choose not to go to university or get married at all. The path the kids end up with is entirely up to you. ​

  • On this note...the mom...once all the kids are out of the house, and times are-a-changin, she can then start creating and selling, or doing freelance work. Again not a "real" career, but she can start making her own money in other ways. And her husband will fully support it because he's one of the good ones.

  • Keep the family "together". If you want to play the kids' households you can, or not, but mom and dad should invite them home for holidays, etc. 

    • To complete his aspiration, one of the kids has to have kids.​

    • Invite over and introduce their grandbabies to them.

  • Once they reach Elder age, he will retire. Let them live out their golden years happy. They should die having met their grandchildren and gone on many adventures together. ​​

Challenge ends when they both die of old age.

If either dies prior to that, go back to a previous save and try again.

Have Fun!

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