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My Stuffed Friend

Created 2022
01-02-22_9-17-28 PM.png

GOAL: To max friendship bar with 100 different stuffed animals during CHILD age on NORMAL life span. 


  • Lifespan must be set to NORMAL.

  • You may cheat money to be able to afford all the stuffed animals.

  • Sim must be Child age. 

  • You chose the family for the child, but there must be at least one teen or older in the house to support the child.

  • Max out friendship bar for 100 stuffed animals before Teen birthday.

  • Give all stuffed animals an actual name, not just Blarffy 1, Blarffy 2, etc. 

  • Must have at least one of each stuffed animal: Blarffy, Drago, Bun Bun, Dino, and Uni for Base Game. Add the others for the packs you have.

    • You may cheat to get access to them. (You don't have to collect all the decorative eggs to get Bun Bun, etc.)​

  • Child must attend school/do homework normally, and have a grade of B or above.

  • Child must complete one child aspiration as well, your choice.


Have Fun!

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