One Soul, Many Lives
Inspired by the Not So Berry Challenge
Your sim is given 7 lives to learn all about the Sim Life and become the best Sim there ever was. Thus, your sim’s spirit is broken into 7 pieces that each get a chance at life.
*This challenge is Base Game compatible.
Created 2019
In the FINAL stage of this challenge there is murder. If you choose the Dark path, then you will be required to murder twice. If you want to avoid murder, then choose the Light path OR end the challenge for yourself at stage 6.
Rules for all stages of life
Set lifespan to NORMAL.
Begin challenge with a Young Adult sim.
Take a picture (or painting) of each life stage and display that in your home.
You may also take other, random pictures and display those in your home.
You may move house location at any time, to any world you have.
During Love Life you will take several pictures and hang them in your home. If you move to a new location, be sure to hang those pictures up in your new home.
Make sure to also re-hang pictures/paintings of each life stage.
You can have any occult, but aging must be turned on for them, and you are not allowed to prolong their life by any means.
House must be decorated on theme (hair color) for each generation. The only exception is the bedroom of the next generation child which can either match the current generation theme, or what their theme will be when they age up and take over.
Everyone’s money goes into the family plot. (i.e. the next generation inherits the money, house, objects, collections, everything).
Skills do NOT transfer to the next generation. Except for photography, that can always be cheated to the highest skill level.
Each Sim ages up according to calendar birthday.
If the challenge hair color is not available for your Sim at age toddler or child, pick whatever you want, but you must change it to the proper color upon aging to teen.
Each Sim must complete their aspiration fully.
Each Sim must complete career goals fully.
Your Sim must marry and the new spouse must move into the home before procreating the next generation in the challenge.
You must complete the aspiration for the new spouse without changing it. Whatever they already have is what you have to deal with.
When the next generation ages up to Young Adult they will take over in the challenge, and the previous generation must be removed. You can kill them, or go into move households and delete them from the game.
For this reason I recommend waiting until your sim is adult age to procreate the next generation, otherwise you may not have enough time to complete your aspiration and career goals before the next generation ages up to young adult.
You may NOT wait until Elder age to procreate. You can procreate with an elder aged NPC though.
Mods are allowed as long as they don't interfere with above rules.
First Life: Innocent Sim
This part of your spirit is fresh, new and innocent. You are childlike in nature, full of imagination and love to have fun. Unfortunately, you are immature and create messes wherever you go. And like a child, you have difficulty sticking to one hobby for long. But that’s ok, perfecting a skill or hobby is not nearly as important as having FUN! Let’s go play!
Hair: Blond, Yellow or Orange
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Career: Painter-Master of the Real
Traits: Creative, Childish, Slob.
Tasks: Must achieve level 10 in Painting. Go to the park or pool EVERY Saturday and play. (Pool on your lot does not count.)
Second Life: Life Sim
This part of your spirit is full of LIFE! You want to experience life, get out into nature, enjoy the company of other Sims and feel free to just be the goofy sim you are, without concern for the opinions of others.
You are not only interested in your own life, but also the life of the planet itself, diving deep into nature and learning all there is to know about plants, including how to cook with them!
Hair: Green or Light Brown
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Career: Culinary-Chef
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Goofball, Bro.
Task: Must craft Ambrosia. (Make it a family heirloom that you pass down to each descendant until you reach the life stage that needs it).
Third Life: Love Sim
You’ve played and colored like a child, you’ve learned about the Earth and decided it was a good place to live, now it’s time to follow in the footsteps of so many other Sims around you and find a Soulmate. You’ve married before, sure, but that was just necessary for the next spirit to be born. But as you’ve observed, other Sims seem to have this unbreakable, passionate connection with their spouses and you want to experience this phenomenon for yourself. But would a soulmate be attracted to the innocent slob, or the always covered in mud gardener?
Better to be stylish this time around!
Hair: Red or Pink
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: Style Influencer-Stylist
Traits: Romantic, Outgoing, Family Oriented.
Task: Create a wedding lot with a TON of décor. Have a huge (and I mean HUGE) wedding, and take lots of pictures! Hang pictures in your house where they will remain for every generation. (You may cheat photography skill to level 10 if you wish).
Fourth Life: Wise Sim
You feel you’re about half way through your time on this journey, and although you have done many things, there is still so much of this life you have not touched. Time to get serious! You will take on many jobs, learn many skills, and become the wisest Sim that ever lived. Who needs relationships anyway?
Hair: Silver, Brown-grey, Black-grey
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Careers: Writer-Author, Tech Guru-eSport Gamer, and Athlete-Body Builder.
Traits: Genius, Active, Bookworm.
Tasks: Achieve level 2 in ALL available skills. Write 10 books about your life/experiences and give each one a title and description of your own.
Fifth Life: Death Sim
You know the end is coming but there is still so much you want to live for. Somehow there are still things you haven’t done on this Earth. You don’t want to go. NO! You refuse! If the Sim Lords insist on taking you away then they can forget about you being their “perfect” little Sim pet! Look at all these other Sims, living and enjoying their lives…SCREW THEM! You will become an enemy to all. You will steal, be mean, perfect your dark craft and rise to become the Boss of all the criminals in the world!!!
Hair: Black or Dark Brown
Aspiration: Mischief
Career: Criminal-Boss
Traits: Perfectionist, Mean, Kleptomaniac.
Task: Every Saturday visit a stranger Sim home, or a new venue and steal from it. If you reach a point where you've stolen from everyone and every place, then return to Sim homes and clog their sinks each week.
Sixth Life: Frozen Sim
No. It's happening. You can feel your soul being tugged at. All that rebelling did nothing to change the outcome. How depressing. This can’t be the end. So tired. So very tired. There’s still so much you want to do…but…you don’t feel much like doing anything. Almost like being frozen. Are you frozen? No, they did this to you! YOU WANT TO LIVE! LIVE FOREVER!! Be immortal. Immortalized. Frozen in time. That’s not possible. Everyone will forget you. Everyone forgets. Only celebrities are remembered. Celebrities are remembered! Celebrities are frozen in time! You haven’t much time. Get up! Become famous! It’s the only way to become immortal.
Get up! Get up!
Hair: Blue or Mint
Aspiration: Joke Star
Career: Entertainer-Comedian
Traits: Gloomy, Erratic, Lazy.
Task: Learn how to make every alcoholic drink, and consume one every day.
Seventh Life: Traveler Sim
At last, the end has truly come. You only have one life left and the way you spend it will determine your final destination. You have done many good things, and many bad things in your previous lives.
-Will you accept that the Sim Lords were right and put you on this path for your good? (LIGHT)
-Or will you turn against them in the end and attempt to destroy their planet and Sim creations? (DARK)
Hair: White
- Light: You have been immortalized through a celebrity status, but do any of your fans really know you? Is that really what you want to be remembered for? What about friendships; being remembered for your loving kindness, how you could always make others laugh, or be a shoulder to cry on, or lend a hand in times of need? Time to make some real friendships. But remember, you will soon be traveling to Sim Heaven and that path lies through the cosmos. You must become familiar with the cosmos and maybe do some good while you’re up there too. It is sad to be leaving, but you have lived many great lives and learned many things that most Sims never have the chance to experience, especially those who die too soon. If only there was a way you could bring them back. If only you could give a second chance at life to another Sim, the same way you were given many chances. Can you? Can this be your parting gift?
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Career: Astronaut-Space ranger
Traits: Good, Neat, Cheerful.
Task: Resurrect 1 sim with the family Ambrosia.
End: Die happily of Old Age.
- Dark: You have had enough. So what if you fell in love and learned some new skills? It was hard work and at the end of the day you don’t even get to keep any of that?!?! You’re angry. So angry. You want more things, things that will make you happy. And food! You’re dying anyway right? You will eat whatever the heck you want! If they think they can treat you this way they are in for a big surprise. Look at their precious little Sim creations…you will destroy as many as you can! Simply killing them is too easy…no…you will befriend them, gain their trust, then stab them in the back so they know it was you that stole their future. Just like the Sim Lords are stealing yours!! They think they can stop you? You will learn the cosmos like the back of your hand and smuggle goods and supplies to safe spots. They won’t catch you. They can’t catch you right?.....right? NO, you won’t be going to Sim Hell, no, not you! They can’t…right?
Note: This sim has white hair, but rebels against using white anywhere else. No white may be used for décor, accessories, etc. Use dark colors instead.
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Career: Astronaut-Interstellar Smuggler
Traits: Evil, Glutton, Hot Headed.
Task: Make one TRUE friend, and then kill them.
End: The friend you killed...their ghost will murder you!
Have Fun!