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Santa Claus

The Claus family must prepare for Christmas day and they need your help!

Bake cookies, make toys, and deliver them to all the good girls and boys!

* Seasons pack required for challenge.

Home Set-Up
  • Your house should be Christmasy in appearance. 

  • You can cheat money to get a house, decor & supplies. 

  • You need 2-3 Activity tables for the children elves.

  • You need crafting materials for teen elves. (Are they going to make candles? Do woodworking? Your choice.)

Family Set-Up
  • Santa Claus (Elder)

  • Mrs. Claus (Elder)

  • 3 Elf Children (Or two children and one Dog-Reindeer [Pets Pack])

  • 3 Elf Teens

  • Everyone should have the "Cheerful" and "Good" traits.

  • If you make a dog-reindeer, it must have a red nose, and travel with Santa to deliver presents. [He represents Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeer]. There are no antlers so either add some with CC, or give him a red unicorn horn. 

  • Child Elves must be wearing the creepy elf costume in CAS.

  • Teen Elves must be wearing the Gnome costume in CAS. (Because there is no elf costume for their age.)

  • Santa & Mrs. Claus must be wearing the Father Winter costume in CAS.

  • You may also use CC for the elves and Santa clothes. Just no normal clothes like jeans and T-shirt.

Tasks To Complete
  • You have one day from game start to 10pm to complete all the pre-delivery tasks.

  • At 10pm, Santa begins delivering gifts. You have from 10pm until 5am the next day to deliver to all the Base Game homes. 

  • Mrs. Claus must bake:

    • Sugar Cookies

    • Oatmeal Cookies

    • Pre-Mixed brownies

    • Peanut Butter Cookies

    • Fudge Bars

    • Bread Pudding

  • Child Elves must make Winter Crafts to put in each house.

  • Teen Elves must make the presents to be given to NPC's.

    • Elves can stop to pee, but otherwise they should be hard at work making "toys" all day. They can eat just before Santa leaves (9:30pmish).

    • You will be making gifts for every NPC so be sure to make lots of gifts & winter crafts.

  • You may use cheats to increase skill level of elves, and baking skill of Mrs. Claus. 

  • Santa Claus Must:

    • Eat a serving of all the food Mrs. Claus makes. 
      [From the Rudolph movie where he gets really skinny so she has to fatten him up before Christmas day].​

    • Santa must write two books: a "Nice List" and a "Naughty List". 

Present Delivery!
  • Santa must visit all homes in the Base Game worlds between the hours of 10pm and 5am. 

  • Santa must give a gift made by teen elves to each person in the house. 

  • Santa must hang up 3 Christmas crafts made by children elves in each house.  (Because of that movie whos name is eluding me where Santa decorated the home of the poor people who couldn't afford decor.)

  • If they're not home when you visit, it means they don't celebrate Christmas so just skip them. 

  • You can pack lunches, and eat food that is already prepared at NPC houses (As though he's eating cookies left out for him). But no making food.

  • You can potty whenever you need to.

  • No "having fun" while working. Like don't stop to watch TV or play a game.

  • You CANNOT nap. He will get tired, that's just part of the job. He can sleep for the rest of the year once he gets home. 

Challenge Ends when you have completed all of the tasks within the time frame.

Have Fun!

Want More?
  • If you want it ALL to be more festive, then go into the NPC homes and decorate for Christmas and put up a tree, etc. before beginning the challenge.

  • You must visit the existing homes in the Base Game worlds, but if you want more, then feel free to add to those worlds (especially since Newcrest is empty anyway), or travel to the other worlds as well. 

  • You can also choose to make Christmas last "a week" and make gifts daily then go to a new world each night and pretend that it's still December 25th, just in a different time zone. 

What about Next Christmas?
  • If you want a bit more of a challenge, write down the names of every NPC that did not like your gift and put them on the naughty list. Then, next Christmas (in the game), do the challenge again, but make sure to give those naughty individuals lumps of coal.

Have Fun!
Merry Christmas!
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