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Teen Prodigies

Created 2020

GOAL: To have 5 Teens enhance their individual      talents, turning them into Prodigies!
What you accomplish will depend on the packs you have.

When he was still in High school, he fell in love with a beautiful classmate. He was a loser, and she was out of his league. But there was something about him, something she couldn't quite place, that stood out to her. Knowing their friends (and her parents) wouldn't approve, they met in secret. Two years they spent in secret ecstasy until graduation came and reality kicked in. She left to study abroad, while he stayed home working part-time job after part-time job.

After one year of this separation he couldn't take it anymore and determined to get the money to fly abroad, find her, and declare his love. Unable to get a real job, and short on time, he set out to rob several stores with a few bad apples in town. Their theft was a success and he traveled abroad. Upon arrival however, he was devasted to learn she was engaged to Mr. Wealthy McRichman. She knew a relationship with him would never last, he was no good for her. But she couldn't help but spend one last, beautiful night together.

He returned home depressed, angry, and the cops that is. His string of thefts caught up with him and he spent the next 10 years in prison. By the time he was released his parents, who had disowned him long ago, had died leaving him nothing. For 2 years he lived on the streets struggling to survive, all the while not knowing what it was that made him want to survive. But somehow, he felt he must. Eventually, with many resume lies, and a stolen suit, he managed to get a job in the mail room of a big company. Scrimping and saving for a year, he was able to buy a small, crappy house.

As he sat alone in his dark shack, he thought about his life. Sure he was now working a "good" job and he had a still sucked, all of it. It had been 13 years since he last saw her and not a day went by that he didn't think of her. He knew they could never be together, yet it was her, thinking of becoming better for her, thinking of how she would want him to act...this kept him going. This job, this house, he obtained them because of her. But he would never have her. So why was he trying so hard? Was any of this really worth it? What exactly was he living for? He began to think more and more about the height of his current office building. Just as his plans were coming to fruition, there was a knock at the door. It was a lawyer.

She died.

For a brief moment he was in shock. Then anger and grief overcame him and he attacked the lawyer. After a few punches he blacked out. He awoke in a jail cell. A different lawyer informed him that apparently he had beaten the first one so bad it landed him in the hospital. But he heard none of this. His mind was focused, he was positive now, there was no longer a reason to live. After several failed attemps to get his attention, the lawyer smacked him in the face, "Do you hear me?! You're a Father!"

Wait, what? It turned out that the night they spent together, when he visited her abroad, resulted in pregnancy. Because of the situation, she never told him, or anyone that the pregnancy was his doing. Her fiance believed it was him. They were married, and raised the children together. Not only did she get pregnant that night, but she bore quintuplets! She noticed early on how special her chidlren were. All five of them. She used her power, money and status to nurture their individual gifts. When she died, the truth came out. She had written to her boys in her Will about their real father. Unfortunately, their current "father" was appalled by this revelation and effectively disowned them in that very moment. 

Five boys, 13 years old, experiencing the loss of a loving mother, now disonwed by the only father they've ever known, for something they had no control over. They were handed over to the foster system. Social Services were at first relieved to find they had living family and perhaps, would not be seperated. That is until they discovered who the living family was and his criminal record. But upon further investigation, seeing his new job, new house and apparent rehabilitation, and desperate to move the kids, they sought him out. Of course his grief-beating of the first lawyer wasn't helpful. 

As soon as he learned that she had children in need of a home, he said he would take them. He would do anything for her. It took a few moments more for him to realize they were also his children. His children with her. And they were special? Nothing special had ever come from him. He was a loser, nothing. But if these kids were his, if they were hers, and they were special, then he would do everything in his power to see them achieve their full potential. From this moment on his entire life would be dedicated to them. He would clean up the house, buy furniture, get promoted at his job, etc.

This spiel was enough for the lawyer and he signed over custody....with some regular check-ins of course. Two days later the boys met their real father and moved into his tiny shack. You would think going from riches to a shack would be a major shock for the boys, but their mother, having seen what struggle looks like while dating their father, wanted them to be preapared for anything the world may throw at them. She also spoke so highly of their father in her letter, that they couldn't help but feel he was some amazing man they were lucky to get to know. They knew he had no knowledge of them, and had finally seen the truth of how horrible their adoptive father actually was. Together, the 6 of them mourned her properly, growing clower to each other through their shared sadness. And soon enough, they were back in school and he was determined to continue nurturing their special gifts, just as she had done. 

Story Time

Set Up

  • Life span set to NORMAL. 

  • Must have one Father parent, Young Adult or Adult age.

  • Must have 5 Teens that are siblings and the children of the Father.

  • Must start challenge with kids at TEEN age.

  • Each teen will be a different prodigy. In the story they're all boys, but you can change that.

  • Set up each Sim according to the boxes below...​


Aspiration: Successful Lineage

Traits: Kleptomaniac, Lazy, and Slob. 

Career: Business-Management Branch


Aspiration: Renaissance Sim (Archaeology Scholar instead if you have that pack).

Traits: Genius, Erratic, and Evil. ​


Archaeology            Programming

Rocket Science         Robotics

Media Production       Logic

Research & Debate


Aspiration: Body Builder

(Extreme Sports Enthusiast instead if you have that pack).

Traits: Active, Vegetarian, and Bro (Adventurous instead if you have that pack). 


Bowling              Skiing     

Fitness                Snow Boarding

Handiness          Wellness

Rock Climbing     


Aspiration: Freelance Botanist (Outdoor Enthusiast instead if you have that pack).

Traits: Loves Outdoors, Outgoing, Glutton. ​


Cooking                     Gardening  

Gourmet Cooking      Fishing  

Flower Arranging       Herbalism

Fabrication (Focus on making candles using Bees wax)


Aspiration: Musical Genius

Traits: Neat, Loner, Materialistic. 


Comedy                   Guitar 

DJ Mixing                Pipe Organ

Singing                    Piano



Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire

Traits: Snob, Creative, Gloomy.


Acting                      Baking  

Dancing                   Knitting

Painting                   Writting



  • Must have individual Skills maxed before aging to Young Adult.

  • Must have individual Aspirations completed before aging to Young Adult.

  • Must have A in school before aging to Young Adult.

  • Must have Max Charisma Skill before aging to Young Adult. 

  • One parent only, Father. This can never change!

  • Move into creek cabana or other affordable home in the beginning, no money cheats for housing.

  • EVERYONE must go when leaving lot. Families venture together. 

  • Challenge Ends when children have accomplished all tasks. 

Have Fun!

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