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The Moochers Family

Created 2020

Meet The Moochers

The Moochers are a family of 8 that survive almost entirely by mooching off of their neighbors. They do not have jobs, or any income. They shower, sleep, engage in fun, and use the toilet at neighbors' homes. For food, they search the world for items they can sell to make a little cash for restaurant/bar food. They typically eat once a day. Unlike the Rags to Riches, or Homeless challenges, this family has no goal of making money and buying a home of their own. Challenge ends when all kids grow up and "move out".


  • Must be 8 person household including:

    • 2 parents (Yound Adult or Adult Age)

    • 1 teenager

    • 4 Children

    • 1 Toddler

  • Family must be HUMAN.

  • Full Autonomy ON.

  • Turn on Auto Age. (no cake is required to age up).

  • Life Span Length: NORMAL.

  • Move family onto an empty lot, and keep it empty. The only reason they "live" on this lot is because the game requires they have a "home". But you will not use this lot for anything.

  • Set Money amount to $0.

  • All school-aged children must attend school. Must maintain a grade of at least "D".

  • 3 of the family members must have the Klepto trait. Roll a die to decide who. 

  • All theft must be autonomous.

  • You are allowed to travel all you want, but the entire family must go, including the toddler.

    • Only exception is when kids are in school.

  • You may visit venues, but cannot use them for survival. (As in, no napping on sofas at the library, or using the toilets at the museum, etc.)

  • You may not use mods that help you with school grades, or help you survive, or prevent social services from taking your children. No using MCCC to change rate of need decay. 

To Survive..........

For Potty, Shower, Fun, and Sleep Needs:

  • They must be in an NPC home to satisfy. They cannot use outdoor benches for naps, or use public restrooms for potty. They cannot use venue sinks to continually wash their hands (shower) or clean up the toddler. All of these needs must be satisfied in an NPC home. 

    • Only exception is Fun potentially being filled while swimming at the beach, or playing at a park.

For food Need:

  • Unfortunately if you use an NPC fridge to make a meal, you will still be charged the simoleans for the ingredients, so cooking at NPC homes is out. 

  • Instead, you must search the world for items you can SELL, then use that money at a restaurant, bar or food stand. [If you do not have restaurants in your game this part will be more difficult for you, because children cannot order from a bar/food stand. A parent must order the food, not eat it, and give it to the child. No Mods to change this!]

  • If you have restaurants and want to build your own that your family can visit, you may. But they cannot own a restaurant or other business.

  • Toddlers must go with family to bars/restaurants.

    • Once you arrive, click on the toddler and choose "Bring [name] here".

  • You are NOT allowed to eat fruit or veggies found in the world. You cannot sell them from your inventory either.

  • You are NOT allowed to cook fish from fishing, or use grills at parks (these cost simoleans). 

  • You are NOT allowed to sell fish from fishing.

  • These rules apply to toddlers as well, no putting a vegetable in their inventory to satisfy them.

    • Sometimes the toddler will pull out some milk to drink; this is fine, they can drink the milk. Bear in mind though, sometimes they don't pull out milk, or the milk is not enough and social services comes to take them away. So maybe don't rely on that milk. 

  • If your sims autonomously start griling or cooking at an NPC's house, you may eat that food, but you may not cheat the used money back into your account. So keep an eye on them and make sure they aren't autonomously wasting your money.

  • You may eat the free chips at bars. 

  • Family members may not make money in any way other than what is listed just below. No jobs, no freelance, no programming, writing, painting, crafting, sewing, crotcheting, farm animals, plopsy, etc.

Items you ARE allowed to sell: 

  • You can collect FLOWERS from around the world to sell.

  • You can dig for time capsules, etc. to sell. 

  • Lightning sometimes leaves elements or crystals on the ground, you can sell these.

  • Beachcombing items can be sold. 

  • Frogs can be sold. 

  • If you find treasure in the ocean, that can be sold. 

  • Anything your Sim autonomously steals can be sold.


  • Must be done IN an NPC home.

    • School-agers cannot do homework at a park, restaurant, etc. They must be in an NPC home to complete their homework. 

    • They are NOT allowed to ask for help with homework or projects. If an NPC autonomously starts helping them, that's fine. But if family does, stop them!


  • You are not allowed to talk to or make friends with the NPCs. 

    • If your Sim autonomously starts talking to them, that's fine as long as you do not intervene. (Typically when your sim starts talking to an NPC, you'll find that after some time has passed, if you click on them you still have to do introductions, so it doesn't really count.) 

    • Think of an overly friendly neighbor that just invites themselves in, or a friend of a friend that shows up at your house. Unfortunately for them, all the NPC sims are push-overs and people-pleasers that will let you into their homes. 


  • Woohoo must take place IN an NPC home. No venue or bush (etc) woohoo allowed. 

  • Because you are not allowed to talk to NPCs, woohoo will most likely only occur between the parents. Unless you have WW. Then you can force woohoo to happen without prior conversation. Make sure settings are set to no conversation afterwards, and do not allow your sim to talk to NPC before or after woohooing. 

  • With an 8-person household your sims will not be able to get pregnant until after some children have aged up and moved out (unless you have Mods).

    • If your sim does get pregnant you must keep it. Bear in mind, the challenge ends when all children grow up and move out. So if you keep having children, then this challenge will last longer. You cannot allow the child to live with an NPC parent!

  • Children born of teens must be raised by the teens' parents.

    • So if your teen has a child, and then two days later they become a young adult, when they move out they will not take their child with them; it must stay with the rest of the family until it grows up and moves out. 

  • Children do not have to move out immediately upon becoming young adults if you don't want them to. Not moving them will cause more of a challenge for you though. 


  • Anyone in the Moocher family can care for the toddler. But not NPCs.

    • If your toddler cries in an NPC house and they go to check on him/her, you must stop the interaction and have one of the Moochers take over. 


Ending The Challenge...........

  • Kids can leave once they become young adults.

    • Do whatever you want with them (move them, delete them, etc.), but they cannot help the rest of the family, and the family cannot use their home to survive.

      • Imagine that once the kids grew up, they realized how their parents were bad parents and now they resent them and want nothing to do with them. No contact! 

  • Once ALL children reach Young Adult age and move out the challenge is won. 

  • If anyone dies before the children age up, challenge is over, you lost

  • If any child is taken away by SS before the children age up, challenge is over, you lost.

Have Fun!

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