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Well Traveled
Created 2023

Do you want to see the world? Enjoy all of the events with your friends? Party in the popular clubs and explore the lesser known areas? Alright then, Let's Go!

* This challenge is Base Game Compatible.


When I play the game, I never go to the bar nights, and I always ignore the calendar events such as "Night on the town" or "Talk like a pirate day". So to begin with, in this challenge you will NOT ignore those things, but instead partake in them. Including invitations from NPC's to go the theater or some other rabbithole place.

Secondly, I want you to go to every venue lot and partake in what it has to offer. After so many worlds were given to us, many of us stopped looking at the premade venues, I mean, how many gyms do you need? But they are all a little different, so I wanted to actually go to each one and do the things that were there to do.

And by doing this, you will obtain the "Knock Knock" achievement :-D

Thirdly, Hosting Events! I only ever host a wedding. All the other things I typically ignore, even birthdays. So, the goal is to host every event available. I mean base-available, so if you don't have high enough mischief to host a Lampoon party, then don't.

Fourthly, there are so many holiday traditions I have never used. So create some holidays of your own, and use them all.

Lastly, (what this challenge is really about) I noticed that there are many places in the game that are overlooked. For example, if there is a grill at a park, then you will see it, and might use it. But what about the grill that's next to a pond behind a house in a cluster of trees? You never see that grill because it's not on a specific lot. So I went through the game and picked out some lesser known spots for you to enjoy. I have not listed every little place, just the ones I like. If you notice others that you want to explore, go ahead!

I didn't include every world because many just don't have anything in them other than the builds. And for those that do have something more, it's the kind of stuff you would've already found by just playing with that pack, so it's not really unknown/unnoticed. 

And I don't have werewolves or wedding stories. 

  • Must engage in all premade calendar Events at least once. 

    • Think "Talk like a pirate day", "Rebate day", "Finchwick Fair", etc.​
    • With the exception of things you actually cannot do. Like if you're an Adult then you can't go to Prom.​

  • Must engage in all premade calendar Holidays.

    • Unless it goes against you real life religion/views/morals of course.​

    • Also, if you want "Easter" or the Flower Bunny, you have to make that one. 

  • Must make holidays so you can use all of the Traditions available in the game.

    • Unless it goes against you real life religion/views/morals of course.​​

  • Must always go to NPC rabbithole invites. 

  • If you have Chez Llama or Perfect Balance Spa, place them in the world and go to those locations.

    • Also go to chez llama NPC invites. 

  • Must host every event/party available.

    • That you have access to.​

    • Whether it is a "goaled" event or not is up to you...for the ones you can change.

  • For the main point of this challenge: Must go to all of the locations listed below!

    • The numbered items only have numbers to help those who want to look at the map to find the locations on the map (bottom of page).

      • You DO NOT have to do these in any specific order. ​

      • You DO NOT have to use the maps. I gave each location some descriptive words to help you locate it without a map. I recommend trying that first. 

      • Note: I don't know the name of half of this stuff, so some of my descriptions might seem a little silly, but I think they work LOL!

    • Also, you DO NOT have to do all the location activities in one trip. 

      • For example, at the library you have to play chess, use the computer and read a book. You can do all 3 in one visit, or go to the library 3 times. Totally up to you. ​

  • The storyline is entirely up to you. 

  • You must ALWAYS have at least 4 friends with you when you travel. You are an extrovert. You should rarely be at home!

    • Exceptions: NPC invites or if you choose to go on a date. ​

    • You can make a "club" of friends if you have Get Together. 

  • Age is up to you, but you must be able to order bar drinks. 

    • The length of this challenge is up to you, so you could start as a child and grow up while doing the challenge. ​

  • You ARE allowed to ride your bike in any of these locations. 

  • You ARE allowed to use mods. 

    • Here is a mod that makes it so teens and up can play on the jungle gym.​​​



Crawdad Quarter

  1. Order from the cupcake vendor next to the museum. ​

  2. Go roller skating behind the museum. 

  3. Have a barbecue in the picnic area behind the museum by the water. 

  4. Sit and chat (or eat) at the either the patio tables with unbrellas behind the museum, or at the tables in the museum garden (or both!)

  • Library

    • Play chess with a stranger.​

    • Read a book.

    • Use the computer. 

  • Museum

    • View every piece of art at the museum. ​

      • This can happen over several trips. ​

  • Gym

    • Use exercise equipment.​

    • Ask a trainer to help you. 

  • Nightclub

    • Play piano at least once.​

    • Sing at least once. 

    • Order a drink.

    • Dance. 

    • Warm yourself by the fireplace. 

Sylvan Glade

  • Fish in the pond.

  • Look for frogs in the pond.

  • Fish in the water with the waterfall. 

Foundry Cove

   5. Tend the garden.

   6. Order from the vendor.

Magnolia Blossom Park

  • Play chess with a stranger.

  • Have a barbecue.

  • Look for frogs in the pond. 

  7. Order from the vendor near the park. 

  8. Go roller skating next to the park.

Pendula View

   9. Go skating next to the water. 

  10. Cloudgaze or Stargaze in the fountain courtyard.

  11. Tend the garden in the area near the courtyard. 

  12. Use the public toilet, play chess, and order from the cupcake vendor next to Parkshore

        Residential. Use the jungle gym if you can [mod].

Courtyard Lane

  13. Have a barbecue in the fenced off area behind the yellow house.

Sage Estates

  14. Fish, relax, and cloudgaze anywhere along the waters edge beside or behind Oakenstead.


Mirage Canyon

  1. Order from the cupcake vendor next to the museum.

  2. Use the jungle gym in the front of the Gym if you can [mod]. 

  3. Chill by the fountain in front of the Lounge.

  4. Go fishing in the water in front of the Lounge, past the fountain.

  5.  Look for frogs in the old waterpump behind the Lounge. 

  • Bar

    • Order from the bar and sit inside and outside. ​

  • Gym

    • Use gym equipment.

    • Ask a trainer to help you.​

  • Lounge

    • Sing.

    • Play an instrument.

    • Order a drink.

    • Dance.

    • Sit in the comfy chairs.

    • Go on a date and sit at the tables.​

  • Museum

    • View 5 pieces of artwork.​

Parched Prospect

   6. Look for frogs in the old waterpump between the rocks, beside a residential lot.

   7. Order from the cupcake vendor and play on the jungle gym if you can, beside a residential lot.

Bedrock Strait

   8. Order from the Cupcake Vendor, tend garden and have a barbecue at the park-like area down the

        road from Zest's house. 
   9. From this park-like area, go down the hill, across the bridge and go fishing. (Can use the fish you

       catch for the barbecue).
  10. Use the old water pump behind/just off Zest's property to look for frogs. 

Aquisition Butte

  11. Look for frogs in the old water pump behind Yuma Heights house.
  12. Look frogs in the old water pump behind the Mansion, next to the entrance to Forgotten Grotto.

Forgotten Grotto

  • Go Fishing

Skyward Palms

  13. On the road, take a picture under the archway with the bell. 
  14. Go fishing in either of the ponds on either side of the archway.
  15. Order from the cupcake vendor and toss a coin in the fountain located in the triangle land mass in

        the middle of the road.

Desert Bloom Park

  • Fish in the pond. 

  • Have a barbecue.

  • Use the jungle gym if you can [mod].

  • Go fishing in one of the nearly dried up streams near the park. 

  • Play Chess with a stranger. 

  • Order a drink from the bar. 

  • Read a book by the fire. 

  • Dig up dirt piles. ​​


Ridgeline Drive

  1. There are 3 Picnic areas. Choose one (or all) and have a barbecue.


   2. Order from the cupcake Vendor. 
   3. Use the skating rink.

Llama Lagoon

   4. If you can use the jungle gym do it. [Mod]
   5. Order from the cupcake vendor and use the potty.
   6. Go fishing by the water. 


  1. Buy something from each premade store. ​​

  2. Toss a coin in the little fountain. 

  3. Order from the cupcake vendor by the docks.

  4. Spend time doing something (maybe cloudgazing?) in the dock area (4), the circle area with circle lamps near the water (5), and C-shaped area with the patio tables and pink-purpple tree (6). 

   7. Take a picture next to the Steamboat.


Von Haunt Estate

  • Read all the plaques in Von Haunt Estate.

  • Wander the maze.

   1. Tend the garden.
   2. Toss a coin in to the big fountain near the wedding arch. 
   3. Fantazise about weddings at the arch, or get married there.
   4. Have a barbecue and play chess in the picnic area to the left of the building. 
   5. View the sundial and that globe with an arrow through it that I can't recall the name of. Stargaze in

       this same area. (left of building)
   6. Toss a coin in the fountain in front of the building. 


   1. Have a barbecue in the picnic area in front of the bar. 
   2. Have a bonfire (play, dance, hangout, firedance) at the ruins near the hosue next to the windmills

       on the map. 

   3. Go fishing next to the sinking wooden bridge next to the Free Spirits house. 


  • Order a drink.

  • Play a game of fusbol

Olde Platz

   4. Go fishing down the path behind the house furthest on the left.
   5. Play chess at the topiary chess garden.
   6. Order from the cupcake vendor and take a picture by the working, shovel man statue. 
   7. Toss a coin i
n the fountain in front of the bar.
   8. Toss a coin in the fountain in middle of the square.
   9. Paint on the easel behind the nightclub. 


  • Read 2 books.


  • Dance.

  • Order A Drink.

  • Dance battle soemone.


  • Order a drink and food and sit outside at a table with an umbrella.


  • Sit at the outside fireplace. 

  • Order a drink.

  • Play fusbol.

  • Play darts.

Ancient Ruins

  • Have a bonfire at the ruins. 

  • Fertilize the bush by the main ruins, and the bush in the lower section.

Lykke Centre

  • Use one of the many art easels.

  • Go fishing at any of the spots. 

  • Take a picture by one (or all) of the fountains.

  • Use a public toilet. 

~~Skipped number 10 Oops~~ 

  11. Take a picture by each big sculpture. 
  12. Order from the cupcake vendor.

  • Cafe

    • Order a drink and food.

    • Read a book.​

  • Park

    • Play a stranger in chess.

    • Use jungle gym if you can [Mod].

    • Tend the garden.​

  • Gym

    • Use equiptment.

    • Ask a trainer for help.

    • Order a bar drink.

    • Go swimming and diving. ​

  • Nightclub

    • Order a drink

    • Dance battle

    • Show off moves

    • Use both dance floors.​

  • Pool

    • Swim laps.

    • Order a drink from the bar or make an espresso and sit on the second floor at the umbrella tables. ​

The Crumbling Isle

  13. Have a bonfire, build a sand sculpture, and go fishing on the beach.
  14. Sit on the stone bench near a rock wall and several yellow leaf trees, near cliffs overlooking the


The Bluffs

  • Host a party.

  • Have a bonfire .

  • Skinny dip in the yucky water.

  • Fertilize a bush.

  • Nap in another bush.


Fashion District

  • Order from the noodle vendor.

  • Use the public toilet.

  • Watch and tip a street performer.

  • Cloudgaze in the sand garden.

  • Karaoke Bar

  • Order a drink

  • Sing Karaoke

Arts Quarter

  • Take a picture next to the giant sculpture.

  • Fish next to sculpture. 

  • Use an outside easel.

  • Graffitti or paint a mural on the ground. 

  • Watch and tip a street performer. 

  • Order from the African food vendor.

  • Order from the vegetable vendor.

  • Art Gallery

    • Paint a wall mural.

    • View 5 pieces of art. 

    • Use the Bubble Blower.

    • Use an easel

    • Use the workbench

    • Mold clay

    • Play an instrument

Spice Market

  • Toss a coin into the elephant fountain.

  • Play basketball.

  • Spray graffitti or paint a mural on the ground.

  • Watch and tip a street performer. 

  • Order from the Burrito vendor.

  • Order from the vegetable vendor. 

  • Go fishing.

  • Karaoke Bar

    • Sing karaoke

    • Order a drink


   1. Give a speech
   2. Order from the noodle vendor and sit at the tables there to eat.
   3. Use the bubble blower.
   4. Take a picture next to the 3 flames fire wall.

  • Gym

    • Play basketball

    • Sit by fire coffee table.

    • Use gym equiptment

  • Lounge

    • Order a drink

    • Dance

    • Use Bubble Blower

    • Go Swimming

    • Befirend a Talking Toilet

    • Sing Karaoke


   1. Order food from each of the vendors. 
   2. Watch a street performer. 
   3. Toss a coin into the fish fountain pool.
   4. Play basketba
   5. Use the jungle gym if you can [Mod]
   6. View the Herring Monument
   7. Ord
er a drink, sit at the tables and watch a performance near the herring monument.
   8. Go fishing in the small pond. 
   9. View disaster memorial.
   10. Use the observatory.
   11. Fantasize about weddings or have one under the arch.
   12. Read a book by the fireplace by the horse statue inside the building. 


   1. View and take a picture by Vlad statue in middle of the square. 
   2. Play chess with a stranger.
   3. Sit in the stone seat at the cliffs edge, at the end of the dirt path, by the fallen street light. 
   4. Go fishing by the waterfall.
   5.Take a picture at night by the gargoyle with candles, next to the water behind Garliclauter place. 


Sable Square

  • Make friends with a dog or cat in this area. 

   1. Go fishing near the sinking wooden deck between the two houses. 

   2. Go fishing by the waterfall.

   3. Order from the Apple Cider vendor.

   4. Play chess with a stranger at the dog park.

Whiskerman's Warf

   5. Take a picture next to the boats near the Bar. 
   6. View and Take a picture next to the anchor statue.
   7. Take a picture with a fisherman statue. (Wearing yellow rain coats, next to the Shrimp vendor. 
   8. Order from the shrimp vendor. 
   9. Order from the fish vendor. 
  10. Sit by the fancy fire pit next to the Lounge.
  11. Play on jungle gym if you can [Mod]

  • Bar

    • Order a drink and sit at the picnic tables with umbrellas on the deck.

  • Lounge

    • Swim.

    • Play piano.

    • Sing.

    • Order a drink.

Cavalier Cove

  12. View the Helm on the deck behind the blue mansion house. 
  13. Use the boat on this deck to travel to the lighthouse. 
  14. Have a barbecue and use the public toilet in the picnic area near the small blue house by the

       raised road, and wooden alkways. And take your picture by the dog with the butterfly on its

       nose. (15)
  16. Sit on the bench at the top of the waterfall. Behind an empty plot, near the blue mansion.
  17. Fish in the pond next to the left empty lot. 

Deadgrass Isle

  18. Go to graveyard and read every tombstone. Make friends with a Ghost animal. 
  19. Go to the lighthouse.
  20. Fishing on the beach and take a picture next to the beached motorboat but the tall grass. 

  • Museum

    • View 3 pieces of art.

    • Read a book.


The Pinnacles


Mirage Park

  1. Play on jungle gym if you can [Mod]

  2. Take a picture in front of wall mural.

Starlight Boulevard

   3. Take a picture nexk to blocks statue in front of news vans. 
   4. Take picture next to blocky with hole in it statue near fast waterfall. 
   5. Go skating. 
   6. Take picture next to blocky circle statue near fast tiered waterfall. 
   7. Take picture next to Second blocky with a hole in it statue near fast tiered waterfall. 

  • Park

    • Order from the cupcake vendor

    • Take a picture next to weird stacked blocks statue.

  • Lounge (famous one)

    • Take a picture in front of super fancy water fountain.

  • Museum

    • View 4 pieces of art.

  • Gym

    • Use equiptment.

    • Ask a trainer for help.

    • Go swimming.

  • Lounge (for normal people)

    • Order a drink and watch big screen tv.

    • Sing.



  • Take a picture next to any strange plants. 

   1. Have a barbecue in the circle picnic area in front of the library. 

   2. Take picture next to the military truck and door with metal bars and lock on it, behind the row of

       buildings next to the library. 

   3. Take a picture in the trailer park, by your favorite trailer.

   4.  Take a picture next to the Curio shop. Buy something from it. 

  • Library

    • Read a book.

    • Play chess with a stranger.

  • Bar

    • Order a drink.​

    • Play a tune on the jukebox. 

Shady Acres

   5. Go fishing behind white mansion. 


   6. Act like you're an urban explorer and take pictures of stuff. If you want to do the storyline and 

       "explore" downstairs, go ahead!


Ohan'ali Town

   1. Take a picture next to large burning vase thing, cook a grand bbq feast on in ground grill, and take

      a picture of Moana and Maui mural on the potty wall. 

   2. Buy a pineapple supplies from the vending machine. 

   3. Order food from the Pig vendor. 

   4. Go fishing in the netted area. 

  • Beach

    • Go swimming.

    • Beachcomb.

    • Sun Tan.

    • Use a boat. 

    • Snorkel.

    • Check bait traps. 

    • Swing on the swings. 

  • Bar

    • Order a drink.

    • Watch the tabletop tv. 

Mua Pel'am

   5. Take a picture by the shipwreck house. 

   6. Attract frogs by the waterfall. 

   7. Swim at the base of the volcano where the lava is pouring into the ocean. 

   8. Go to the top of the volcano.

   9. Explore cave by shipwreck house. 

Lani St. Taz

  10. Order from the Pig vendor close to the beach. 

   11. Order from the Fish vendor by the lighted, wooden bridges. 

  12. Swing on the swings and take a picture by the statue in the circular by the house on the left of the


  13. Beachcomb on one of the furthest away islands. 

  14. Snorkel in deep water. Deep dive if you can.

  15. Nap on the towels on the beach behind the house on the left of the map. 

  16. Take a picture next to the statue that is just like a rectangle stone with circles like eyes, that is

        located in the grass surrounded by bushes, near the shore, behind and to the side of the house on

        the left of the map. 

   17. Use easel on the cliffside next to big empty lot. 

  • Beach

    • Have a bonfire. 

    • Relax under the pavilion.

    • Use a jet ski.

    • Make a sand castle. 


Port Promise

    1. Take a picture near the buried car frame and large pipe next to the community space.

   2. Take a picture/clougaze in the train yard behind the bar. 

   3. Take a picture anywhere on the yellow scafolding that connects to what I can only assume is a

       plant for toxic waste. In front of the bar. 

  • Bar

    • Play a song on the jukebox.

    • Order a drink and sit at the table, by the fire, and on the couch. 

Conifer Station

   4. Cloudgaze atop the train bridge by the community space. 

   5. Go fishing in the water behind the community space. 

   6. Take a picture next to the concrete circle statue, and nap in the dumpster by the water, behind the

       gray-blue house. 

Grims Quarry

   7. Sit on the bench facing the brown pipe thing that reminds me of a water tower, but clearly is not

       one, in the same area of the communtiy space. 



    1. Have a barbecue and wade in the water behind house, next to the waterfall. 

   2. Cloudgaze or moongaze in the sand garden by the lounge. 

   3. Take a selfie with Yamachan, order something from the Onigir vendor, use all 3 vending machines,

       and use the public toilet in the Wakaba neighborhood square. 

  • Use the Wakabamori hotel.

  • Lounge

    • Sing.

    • Play the piano.

    • Order a drink.


   4. Sit at the picnic table under the pink and white flower unbrella and buy something from the

       vending machines. Next to the white house with a black roof. 

   5. Take a picture on the deck overlooking the waterfall. 

   6. Order something from the Onigiri vendor between the park and bar. 

  • Park

    • Have a barbecue.

    • Play chess. 

  • Bar

    • Order a drink and sit at the tables outside by the tiger mural. 

    • Play a board game at the upstairs table. 

  • Take a hike or just wander through the paths. 


  • Stay at both Kiyomatsu hotels.

  • Use the Onsen bathhouse. 

  • Enjoy sports and hikes.



   1. Go swimming in the water behind the bar. Use the public toilet.

   2. Have a barbecue in the picnic area in the bushes area next to the fair grounds.

   3. Sit on the bench and watch the birds bathe in the little park area between two houses.

   4. Go fishing by the house with the waterwheel.

  • Bar

    • Cloudgaze by the gnomes in the back. 

    • Order a drink.

    • Sit on the couches and enjoy the fireplace.

    • View the Knight.

    • Watch tv upstairs.

Old New Henford

   5. Go fishing in the pond in the middle of town and have a barbecue in the picinic area.

   6. Tend the garden and use the public toilet in the middle of town, close to the pond.

The Bramblewood

   7. Go fishing next to the park.

   8. Take a selfie with Sophie the snail in the spiral maze next to the park.

   9. Sit on the bench by the waterfall. 

  10. Have a barbecue under the lighted trees near the water, across from the ruins island. 

   11. Sit in the little "gazebo" and stargaze next to it. On the ruins island. 

  • Park

    • Look for frogs and fish in the pond. 

    • Have a barbecue.

  • Stay at hotel Nettle Lane.


Rockridge Heights

  1. Lay down and star/moon/cloudgaze in the grass next to the auditorium in the place where there

       are signs saying to stay off the grass.  

Prescott Square

   2. Play chess by the water fountain near the Bubble Tea store. 

   3. Order from the cupcake vendor by the tables down the road from the fountain. 

   4. Use the waterpump by the dilapidated house on the cliffside. 

   5. Have a barbecue in the picnic area near the waters edge. 

   6. Take a picture next to the memorial of some statue thing that looks like a metal furnace piece.

       Behind the building behind the Bubble Tea shop.

   7. Take a picture with the pickaxe man statue. 

  • Bubble Tea Store

    • Order some food.

    • Create a fashion look. 

  • Library

    • Read 2 books.​

    • Play chess with a stranger.

Plumbite Cove

   8. Go fishing on the shore near the park. 

   9. Stargaze or cloudgaze at the base of the rock that resembles Indiana's Jug Rock, up the hill from

       the park.

  10. Sit on the couch next to the creek by the road bridge. 

  11. Take a picture next to mascot by the ferris wheel. 

  12. Go fishing off the docks near the ferris wheel. 

  13. Sit in the dock gazebo that extends into the water, down the hill from a house. 

  14. Stargaze by the luminescent-like purple flowers in the clearing within the forested area near the

       empty residential lot space.

  • Park

    • Play chess with a stranger. 

  • Stay at the Hillside Haven rental.

Have Fun!
Need Help?
Below are the locations on maps/images. Click on map/image to enlarge it. 

Note: Turns out the map you see when traveling does NOT fully match up with live mode. So I tried my best to put numbers in the exact spot, but for some that wasn't possible. For those I put the number as close to the area as I could so you at least have an idea of where you should be/what direction to go in. 

Willow Creek
Willow Creek.png
Oasis Springs
Oasis Springs.png
Magnolia Promenade
Magnolia Promenade.png
Von Haunt.png
San Myshuno
Sand Garden.png
Big Statue.png
Elephant Fountain.png
San Myshuno Park.png
Forgotten Hollow
Forgotten Hollow.png
Brindelton Bay
Brindleton Bay.png
Del Sol Valley
Del Sol Valley.png
Evergreen Harbor
Evergreen harbor.png
Mt. Komorebi
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